You shouldn't have to work the room, the room should work you. True home automation is having your home anticipate what you want without needing any input from you. Using voice commands are nice and all, but that ends up being just another switch you have to use and is ultimately just a remote control, not automation.
I also made the popular dark theme Slate.
To ensure detection in our home, we use the following integrations with 100% success:
- Home Assistant on a HassOS VM
- Hue Bridge
- Home Assistant SkyConnect - Zigbee controller with Matter support
- ESP32 Development Boards - Used to determine Room Presence using BTLE. Docs and setup information
- Nest Thermostats - 3rd / 2nd Gen
- Nvidia Shield Pro
- Google Home - Minis / Show
- TP Link Smart Plugs (HS 100)
- TP Link Smart Switches (HS 200)
- Roborock S6 Pure
- Neato Botvac D3 Connected
- PiHole (Network-Wide Ad Blocking)
- Plex Server
- Mushroom Cards:
- Mini Media Player Cards:
- Bar Cards: