Xperience Community - Xperience by Kentico .NET CLI Template

This repository contains the source used by the Xperience Community Xperience by Kentico .NET CLI templates

Build and Install Locally

Ensure Windows 10 long file paths is enabled

To build the NuGet package locally:

dotnet pack .\XperienceCommunity.SolutionTemplate.csproj -o ./nupkg

To install the tool (replacing prerelease-X with the version suffix specified in the .csproj file):

dotnet new install .\nupkg\XperienceCommunity.SolutionTemplate.1.0.0-preelease-X.nupkg

Then run the template:

dotnet new xpc-xperience-by-kentico-sln --name PRO01 --ClientName pro-client -o ./PROJ01

To uninstall the template, run:

dotnet new --uninstall XperienceCommunity.SolutionTemplate

Install from NuGet

Run the following to install the pre-release template from NuGet:

dotnet new install XperienceCommunity.SolutionTemplate::<version-number>

Where <version-number> is replaced by the latest pre-release version number

To install the latest full release version of the template, run the following:

dotnet new install XperienceCommunity.SolutionTemplate

Use the Template

Execute the following at the command line at the root of the repository you would like to contain the Xperience by Kentico project (where PRO01 is the project identifier and pro-client is the client's name in lowercase):

 dotnet new xpc-xperience-by-kentico-sln --name PRO01 --ClientName pro-client

Note: You can specify the -o option to create an output folder. If you don't specify an output folder, all the files will be generated in the folder in which you execute the dotnet new command.

There are other options that can be specified with the template. These will be listed when using the --help option:

dotnet new xpc-xperience-by-kentico-sln --help

If you experience strange issues where it seems like updates to the template aren't applied when you use the template, clear the template cache for your current runtime:

rm ~\.templateengine\dotnetcli\<your-runtime>\templatecache.json



dotnet/templating#2210 (comment)


