Vite PERN Browser Boilerplate

A simple boilerplate for the PERN stack using Vite.js. It includes Node-Postgres v8.8, Express, React 18, React Router DOM v6.6, Morgan, Axios, jsonwebtoken, bcrypt, dotenv, and Nodemon.

This boilerplate was made using the official Vite template(npm create vite@latest my-app -- --template react) for the client. Then, the backend was built around it. You can find more templates to scaffold your project using Vite, here or community templates on Awesome Vite.js.



npx degit seanhagstrom/Vite-PERN my-app
cd my-app
cd client && npm install
cd .. && npm install
npm run start:dev

The above installation should remove the .git history. If it didn't run the following script:

rm -rf .git

Once the .git history has been erased, initialize the project as a git repository with the following command:

git init

Before you run npm run seed, you'll need to create your database in psql. You can do this from the CLI with the following command:

createdb your_database_name

Happy coding!