
A job board with three types of users (applicants, recruiters and admin). Data stored in MySQL and served to a React app through an Express server. The final project for COMP 353 (Databases).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

COMP353 S2020 - Final Project

Local Setup

  1. Clone repo
  2. Run npm run setup. If it doesn't work, run npm install in root folder. Then, cd into client, run npm install again

Option 1: Connecting to the school's DB

  1. Create a .env file in the root folder with this content. Change password and session secret:
DB_PASS=our db password

SESSION_SECRET={Any complex string}
  1. SSH tunnel into the db with this command: ssh -L 3307:jxc353.encs.concordia.ca:3306 username@login.encs.concordia.ca (Notice the port number: 3307. It should match the port in the .env file). Leave that window open.

Option 2: Connecting to your local DB

  1. Create a .env file in the root folder with this content. Change variables if needed
DB_NAME=local db name
DB_USER=local db user
DB_PASS=local db password

SESSION_SECRET={Any complex string}

Starting the server and web app

Run npm start

Other commands

Start server only: npm run server

Start web app only: npm run client


Frontend: http://localhost:3000/

Backend: http://localhost:5000/