
Allows Enable / Disable toggling of the Theme Developer module via URL

Primary LanguagePHP

Themer Toggle Module

Drupal 6.x (http://drupal.org/project/drupal)
Devel (tested with 6.x-1.20) (http://drupal.org/project/devel)
Theme Developer (tested with 6.x-1.x-dev) (http://drupal.org/project/devel_themer)


Copy the directory 'themer_toggle' into your drupal modules directory ('/sites/all/module', or '/sites/default/modules/).
Install like any other module via the module install page (http://example.com/admin/build/modules)


This Drupal 6.x module allows you to toggle the state of the Theme Developer Module via a URL.  This was built in to Devel when Theme Developer was packaged with it.

How I use it:

I created a handy bookmarklet:


Hope somebody finds this useful