
a trick-or-treat web app for Hack or Treat

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Creating a safer trick-or-treating experience through a live map of treats in the neighborhood. Users can filter out treats that don't meet their dietary restrictions, and avoid Covid-unsafe homes.

Created for MLH HackOrTreat2020, 2nd place winner.

Setup and Installation

We built Safetreats using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS Express, Python, Pandas, Mapbox API, MongoDB, Google Cloud, Web Sockets (ws).

Here's how to get started:

Web App and NodeJS Backend

1. Install node
2. Download this repository
3. npm start from the root directory


1. Download the Covid Cases data from Microsoft Bing: https://www.bing.com/covid/local/canada
2. Change the location under /analytics/pandas_read.py to where this dataset is stored
3. Change the date info
4. Run python pandas_read.py from/analytics

Forking this Repository

Feel free to fork this repository and add your own unique contributions to this app!