Xueyang Sean Hu


Software Engineer intern related to System or Network. In last 4 year undergraduate education, I was exposed and tried many different areas of computer science. I was struggled in Graphics and System when I was asked to choose one area as my concentration. I chose Graphics and really enjoyed to draw fantastic objects and make them move, run and even dance. I do like Graphics, but I feels that it is not the real career for me, it's like a great interest I want to enjoy without outside pressure and constrains. Therefore, I chose to return back to another interesting area attracting me -- System and Network. Currently, I learning network and database this semester, and I will retake operating system as a graduate student, and take distributed system and computer scurity in the next year. My carreer objective is to become an industrial export in System and Network, I think inside of system, I will focused more on network and distributed system.


I am a first-year master student majoring Computer Science at Brown University, Providence. I am expected to graduate on May 2017.

In June 2015, I received my bachelor of engineering degree with Outstanding undergraduate awards from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, one of the TOP 5 universities in China. My core GPA was 3.68 and I was ranked 9 out of 102.


Research Assistant

I worked with Prof. Jianguo Yao from September,2014 to June,2015 at Shanghai Key Laboratory of Scalable Computing and Systems at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. At that time, I actively involved into a research project. We were analyzed the performance of differential privacy adapted data mining methods in large-scale database systems. Although many differential privacy adatpted methods has been suggested in academic area and yields good result on small size test dataset, nearly no attempt has been made to adapt differential privacy based data mining methods to industrial database. In this project, I implemented differential privacy adapted decision tree classifiers by modifying Weka and scikit-learn source code, (included ID3, C4.5, CART, Random decision trees), and accomplished the test on industial database system. The work has accepted by VLDB. The paper is available here

Teach Assistant

I worked as TA in the course of Programming Language II - Data Structure when I was a senior student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The experience builded my abilities of teaching, expressing ideas and thoughts. I also had a great changes to review the knowledge and deepen my understanding of foundamental concepts of computer science. My work included mananging the course website, holding office hours, perparing, publishing and grading homework, labs, quizzes. After the homework has been graded, I would also explain challenging questions in the course.

Softwere Engineering Internship

In the summer of 2014, I has a great honor of working as an Software Engineering Intern at Morgan Stanley, Shanghai, China. I got involved in a project of ungrading the regression test tool of the sales and trading system. The regression test tool runs every week to detect failure or errors of the sales and trading system running inside of Morgan Stanley. However, the previous version of the tool has performance drawbacks that it could not .... At the internship, the performance is improved to 10 times more efficient, and the tool was deployed globally. •

Selected Projects

Row Your Boat - Hackathon, Wuhan, China June 2014

A Multi-player boat game designed for friends play together while having parties! Four players shake their smart phones as paddles to row one boat. Please see the Demo here

Bloodrift - a 3D computer game Feb. 2014 - June 2014

A PC-based car-racing 3D game. Players manipulate the red blood cell in the vessel, run as long as possible, eating ATPs and avoiding virus. Please see the Demo here


Xueyang Hu, Mingxuan Yuan, Jianguo Yao, Yu Deng, Lei Chen, Qiang Yang, Haibing Guan,and Jia Zeng. Differential privacy in telco big data platform. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 8(12):1692-1703, 2015.

Skills and coding preference

Under the great interests of System, Network and some Database, I am focusing on C/C++ and SQL. I also has experience in Java, Python, Javascript, C#. I have basic skills in Linux bash and tmux, but I am very willing to learn and master it. My primary code editor is VIM. I have programmed in Linux(most debain-based) and command line environment for 4 years, and to be honest I hate IDE. I somtimes would use Sublime Text.


System & Network related courses

Introducation to Computer Systems, Database, Operating System, Network(This semester),

Other Courses

Algorithm, Data Structure, Algorithm, Computer Graphics, Data Mining