A Simple Blog Web App Client

An example of the dispatch framework

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.3.0.

Connect to Blog backend server

The nodejs backend should deployment at a dispatch cluster. Please go to the project dispatch-example-blog-web-server for detail information on how to deploy it.

You need to complete the Milestone II before continue with this instruction.

Now, You should have your dispatch api-gateway hostname and port in hand.

Quick Start (w/o the source code)

If you want to have a quick view of your blog from a web browser without getting your hand wet in UI stuff, this quick start help you deploy a pre-built Blog UI image into your local docker.

First, configure your dispatch api-gateway IP and port into a config.json file

cat << EOF > config.js
    host: "https://dispatch.local",
    port: 31841,

Then, pull and run a pre-built docker image

docker create --name blog-web-client -p 4200:80 seanhu93/dispatch-example-blog-web-client:0.0.1
docker cp config.js blog-web-client:/usr/share/nginx/html
docker start blog-web-client

Now, open your browser and visit http://${docker-ip}:4200, where docker-ip is your local docker ip.

Build Source Code and Run

clone the project and get into the root folder

git clone https://github.com/seanhuxy/dispatch-example-blog-web-client
cd dispatch-example-blog-web-client

Build Angular2 App

make build to build the source code into /dist folder

Build Docker Image

Replace the DOCKER_REGISTRY in Makefile with your own docker register

make docker to build a docker image


configure your dispatch api-gateway IP and port into a config.json file

cat << EOF > config.js
    host: "https://dispatch.local",
    port: 31841,


make run to create a docker container and run

The server will listen on http://${docker-ip}:4200, where docker-ip is your local docker ip.