
Enabling free-form and spontaneous magic for TTRPG players of all skill levels

MIT LicenseMIT


Enabling free-form and spontaneous magic for TTRPG players of all skill levels

Purpose and Motivation:

The primary purpose of this program is to enable players of Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) to cast free-form magic without needing an in-depth understanding of the mechanics involved. This is especially beneficial for more casual players who often opt for combat-oriented classes due to their simplicity and ease of use. By simplifying the process of casting spells, the program aims to make magical classes more accessible and enjoyable for these players.

Problem Addressed:

Traditional DnD 5e guidelines for magic can be complex and intimidating for casual players, leading to a preference for simpler, non-magical classes. This program addresses this issue by providing an easy-to-use tool that handles the intricacies of spellcasting, allowing players to focus on the narrative and fun aspects of the game rather than getting bogged down by technical details.

Intended Audience:

The target audience for this program includes casual DnD players and groups who prefer a more relaxed approach to the game, deviating from the strict adherence to the official 5e magic guidelines. It's designed for those who wish to explore magical abilities without the usual complexities.

Key Features and Functionalities:

  • Skill Checks: The program enables users to roll skill checks based on the type of magic they wish to cast, considering the character's stats and skill proficiencies. This makes the checks appropriately challenging or easier depending on the character's abilities.
  • Simple GUI: Users interact with the program through a straightforward graphical user interface, ensuring ease of use.
  • Output Values: The program outputs two key values for each spell cast: the "roll to hit" value and the damage value, streamlining the spellcasting process during gameplay.

Expected Benefits:

  • Accessibility: Makes magical classes more accessible to casual players, enhancing their overall gaming experience.
  • Ease of Use: Reduces the complexity of spellcasting, allowing players to enjoy the creative and strategic elements of magic without being experts in the rules.
  • Enhanced Gameplay: Encourages more diverse character choices and playstyles within DnD campaigns, fostering a richer gaming experience.

Technologies and Platforms:

The specific technologies or platforms are still being considered for building this program but the focus will be on creating a user-friendly interface that can be easily integrated into DnD sessions.

Comparison with Existing Solutions:

Although there are written rules for other free-form magic systems, there are no existing programs that automate and simplify this process for players. This program fills that gap, providing a unique tool that enhances the DnD experience.


My initial goal with this is simply to develop a functional program that can be used in my personal DnD campaigns to streamline magic use. In the long term, there is potential to scale the project and make it available to the wider DnD community, depending on interest and feedback.



Release Notes:

< none yet >


Please feel free to open issues for any bugs or requests for additional functionality. Pull Requests are always welcome!


Licensed under the MIT License.