
A simple API project assigned as a take home project.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Node.js Logo Nest Logo PostgreSQL Logo TypeORM Logo TypeScript Logo


An API to handle CRUD operations for a database record called a "Utility". Updating a Utility creates a "Version", which is a copy of the Utility as it was before it was updated. The API supports pagination, filtering, and sorting (in a limited sense).

This project was written in TypeScript on top of NodeJS with the Nest.JS framework, making use of TypeORM and PostgreSQL as additional tools.


$ npm install

Running the API

# set up the database
$ npm run db:build

# start up the server
$ npm run start

API Functionality


GET /utility list of all Utility records
/utility?parameter=value list of all Utility records that match the query parameters (see below)
/utility/{id} a singular Utility record with id = id
/utility/{id}/versions list of all Version records tied to the Utility with id
/versions list of all Version records
POST /utility the newly created Utility record
PUT /utility/{id} the updated Utility record with id = id
DELETE /utility/{id} status code 200 OK

Route Request Body Requirements

POST / PUT Available Properties:

  • title
  • description
  • published
  // property: value
  "title": "legs",
  "description": "an essential part of any bipedal organism"

Query Parameters

All query parameters below can be mixed and matched as needed.


  • /utility?sort=version:asc&filter=description:turtle&page=4&results_per_page=1


  • Sorting has been restricted to a sorting by single column, for now
  • Available fields to sort by:
    • title
    • created_at
    • updated_at
    • version
    • published
  • Available directions to sort:
    • asc
    • desc
  • Examples:
    • /utility?sort=title:asc
    • /utility?sort=published:desc


  • Filtering has been restricted to filtering by one field, for now
  • Available fields to sort by:
    • title
    • description
    • published
    • version
  • Examples:
    • /utility?filter=title:raven
    • /utility?filter=description:really


Pagination has implicit support on all API routes that can return multiple records. Any route may have a query parameter appended (?page=2) in order to show another page

Pagination options:

  • page
  • results_per_page (Utility only)


  • /versions?page=3
  • /utility?results_per_page=2&

The pagination in a typical response looks like this:

// /utility/1/versions?page=2
  "content": { /* data returned here */ },
  "page": 2,
  "results_per_page": 5,
  "total_results": 6


Read NodeJS's License section here

Read NestJS's License section here

Read PostgreSQL's License here

Read TypeORM's License here

Read TypeScript's License here