
An HTML5 DOM based windowing system written in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


(New) React - test screenshots from three different operating systems

Webwindow on an Android tablet Firefox

Webwindow on an Manjaro desktop Firefox

Webwindow on an iPhone Safari

(New) ES6 is being worked on in tandem with React now

Vanilla JavaScript

An HTML5 DOM based windowing system written in JavaScript

So far there are a few things that you can do with this framework.

Create just a TaskFrame (a window object with a base API):

var window = new WebWindow.TaskFrame({
  title : "Window frame title",
  content : 'Text content, which can also contain things like <div id="cool-content"></div>',
  height : '300px',
  width: '250px'
}, taskAssistant);

An instance of TaskFrame has properties like:

  • moveTo(x,y): reposition the TaskFrame
  • updateContent(updateContent): update the innerHTML attribute. This will eventually be DOM compatible.
  • updateTitle(newTitle): change the title of the TaskFrame
  • setSize(newX,newY): change the height of the page
  • getWindow(): returns the root node of the TaskFrame.
  • getTitle(): gets the current TaskFrame title
  • focus(): focuses on the root node of the TaskFrame.
  • toggleWindow(): toggles the window in and out of view
  • minimize(): toggles the window in and out of view
  • maximize(): maximizes the window to the size of the Board
  • close(): disposes of the window

Create a Task which ecapsulates a WebWindow.TaskFrame

var task = new WebWindow.Task({
  title : "TaskFrame Title",
  content : 'this will eventually be DOM compatible, so you can insert an HTMLElement into the window',
  height : '300px',
  width : '250px'
}, taskAssistant);

An instance of Task has properties like (in progress):

  • getTitle(): gets task title
  • getID(): gets the instance ID of the TaskFrame inside it
  • updateContent(contentToSet): update the innerHTML content
  • toggleWindow(): will hold event objects to send off events when the task is interacted with. Has TaskFrame features of: getWindow(), minimize(), maximize(), close()

Create a TaskAssistant, which manages Tasks

var taskAssistant = new WebWindow.TaskAssistant();

A TaskAssistant instance has properties like:

  • addTask(Task): add a task to the monitored tasks
  • removeTaskById(taskID, callback): removes a Task instance, by its instance ID
  • closeAll(): closes all running tasks
  • getTasks(toRetrieve): returns multiple or a singular task(s) by supplied instance IDs
  • refreshTasks(): recreates the items in the id of WebWindow.taskAssistantID (currently treated as a ul list element)
  • createTask(taskData): creates a new task and adds it to the monitored tasks, and calls refreshTasks()

WebWindow.MainMenu and WebWindow.Board is currently in progress.