
Phonebook test app

Primary LanguagePHP

Installation (to demo)

  1. Install Docker Desktop (https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/) if not installed
  2. Open Docker
  3. Add the following to your .bashrc or zshrc file to create an alias for sail: alias sail='sh $([ -f sail ] && echo sail || echo vendor/bin/sail)'
  4. From the project folder, run sail up -d
  5. Run sail cp .env.example .env
  6. Run sail composer install
  7. Run sail npm install
  8. Run sail php artisan migrate to migrate the database
  9. Run sail php artisan db:seed to seed the database with test data
  10. Run sail php artisan scout:import \App\Models\Contact to import contacts into the search database
  11. Run sail npm run build
  12. Add to /etc/hosts file the following entry: phonebook.test
  13. Access the app at phonebook.test
  14. Register for an account and get access to the app


  • Run sail npm run dev to start build with hot-module reloading via Vite


  • Run sail cp .env.example.testing .env.testing
  • Run sail phpunit


Architecture & development considerations

  1. Laravel for backend
  2. Laravel Breeze with Inertia + Vue.js as minimal starter kit to scaffold authentication, registration, components. I chose Breeze because I wanted to spend more time building the frontend than building API endpoints with associated overhead(error handling, json serialization, transformers, pagination, authentication, calling API from frontend). However, would build a full-featured REST or GraphQL API for a more complex application, especially enterprise software.
  3. Vue 3 for frontend, data is passed from server to client via Inertia.
  4. Tests with PHPunit - only feature tests that test for right HTTP status code right now. Would build out more robust test suite over time.
  5. Meilisearch for fast, full-text search of contacts. Try searching with small typos to see matches.
  6. Tailwind CSS via Laravel Breeze for CSS styling,