
Bourne Leisure Data Task

Primary LanguageDart


A Flutter project with the purpose of demoing some conclusions based on a list of data provided.

The libraries that have been used here:

  • http - future-based API for http requests, little boilerplate
  • super_enum, super_enum_generator and build_runner - strictly handle all cases of an event and state, supplemented by generated code
  • bloc and flutter_bloc - sample of reactive building with bloc, exposing only specific events
  • dartz - provides Either, greater certainty around return types
  • mockito - mock dependencies for easier unit testing of services
  • bloc_test - minimal boilerplate, effective testing of blocs

Comments can be followed within app.dart, and unit tests for both the http request and data bloc can be seen in the test folder.

Getting Started

From the project's root directory, type flutter run to launch the app on your choice of emulator or connected device.

On startup, the app will automatically retrieve and parse the data, and output a set of conclusions.

If any error occurs during the http request, it will be shown at the bottom of the screen. The user may then tap the Fetch data again button to perform the request again.

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.