
Primary LanguagePython

Analysis Correlation Engine - Alert Management System

ACE2 is comprised of the Core and the Alert Management System. The AMS provides a web interface for analysts to interact with the alerts.

Quick Start

Your local system will need an entry in the hosts file to properly work with the AMS development environment.

For Mac/Linux, this file is located at /etc/hosts.

In Windows, this file is located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. You will need to open Notepad or another text editor as an Administrator in order to edit the hosts file.

Add the following entry to the file: ace2-ams

With your host file updated, you can use the helper script to reset and build the local AMS development environment that includes hot-reloading for both the frontend and backend:


After the containers are built and running, you can access the components using the following URLs:


For a more in-depth understanding of the philosophy behind ACE, see the talk that John Davison gave on the development of the ACE tool set at BSides Cincinnati in 2015.

Automated Detection Strategies