
CLI for generating new TypeScript projects quickly

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Throughout my years of working in web development, I have found myself using the same tools over and over again when starting a new project. After going through the same exercise of creating a new project and setting up the same tools time and time again, I have decided to create a collection of scaffolding templates for these tools to make it easier for anyone to get started on new projects with an opinionated starter.

These templates are meant to be a starting point for new projects and are not meant to be a one-size-fits-all solution. I have created these templates to fit my needs and preferences, but I am always open to suggestions and improvements. If you have any suggestions or improvements, please feel free to open an issue on the repo!

Scaffolding a new project

    npm i -g @mcquaid-stacks/cli


  1. TypeScript Libraries
  2. Vite + Remix SPA
  3. Vite + Remix SSR