Dating Website for CS4116 using HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL and the Bootstrap Framework. Includes the following functionality:
• Allow users to register and describe themselves in a profile. • The description should contain traits such as interests, description, seeking, etc. • Allow users to connect, by sending a notification to other users that they are interested; • Allow users to browse other users (e.g. show all users of a particular type, e.g. all male users); • Allow registered users to perform searches on other users (e.g. list all women over 31 with a particular hobby); • Suggest potential matches for users. For example, automatically select the users from the site that best match a user (based on the user’s interests, etc.) and show these matches when the user logs in; • There should be a site administrator who can delete or temporarily ban users, remove abusive or offensive vacancy ads and edit all profiles (both organization and user).