
Material Motion Runtime for Android

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Material Motion Android Runtime

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The Material Motion Runtime is a tool for describing motion declaratively.

Declarative motion, aka motion as data

This library does not do much on its own. What it does do, however, is enable the expression of motion as data.

This library encourages you to describe motion as data, or what we call plans. Plans are committed to a scheduler. The scheduler then coordinates the creation of performers, objects responsible for translating plans into concrete execution.

Learn more about the APIs defined in the library by reading our technical documentation and our Starmap.


Installation with Jitpack

Use Jitpack to depend on any of our public releases.

Add the Jitpack repository to your project's build.gradle:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

When starting out with a project it is likely that you will want to use the latest version of the library. Add the dependency to your module's build.gradle:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.material-motion:material-motion-runtime-android:+'

Later on in the project you may want to freeze to a specific version of the library. This is highly recommended because it makes your builds predictable and reproducible. Take care to occasionally check for updates.

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.material-motion:material-motion-runtime-android:2.0.0'

It is also possible to specify a dynamic version range. This is useful to stay up to date on a major version, without the risk of new library releases introducing breaking changes into your project.

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.material-motion:material-motion-runtime-android:1.+'

For more information regarding versioning, see:

Using the files from a folder local to the machine

You can have a copy of this library with local changes and test it in tandem with its client project. To add a local dependency on this library, add this library's identifier to your project's local.dependencies:


Because local.dependencies is never to be checked into Version Control Systems, you must also ensure that any local dependencies are also defined in build.gradle as explained in the previous section.


For each local dependency listed, you must run gradle install from its project root every time you make a change to it. That command will publish your latest changes to the local maven repository. If your local dependencies have local dependencies of their own, you must gradle install them as well. See Issue #16.

You must gradle clean your project every time you add or remove a local dependency.


How to use the library in your project.

Editing the library in Android Studio

Open Android Studio, choose File > New > Import, choose the root build.gradle file.

Example apps/unit tests

To build the sample application, run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/material-motion/material-motion-runtime-android.git
cd material-motion-runtime-android
gradle installDebug

To run all unit tests, run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/material-motion/material-motion-runtime-android.git
cd material-motion-runtime-android
gradle test

To run all integration tests, run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/material-motion/material-motion-runtime-android.git
cd material-motion-runtime-android
gradle connectedAndroidTest


  1. Architecture
  2. How to ...


How to ...


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Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.