
Create a severless HTTP upload to Amazon S3

Primary LanguageHTML


This web app creates a serverless, secure solution to upload small to large files directly into Amazon S3 via the AWS JavaScript SDK. This process eases the load on your server and sends files directly to S3 from the web browser. This solution also integrates with multipart upload for larger files. It is secured by using Identity Federation via Google OAuth 2.0. My goal for this project is to provide recording studios and music artists an easy way to upload their projects securely into S3 Glacier for archival storage.

Markdown Monster icon


  • An S3 Bucket to host the web application (Bucket A)
  • An S3 Bucket to receive the files (Bucket B)
  • OAuth 2.0 credentials via Google
  • AWS JavaScript SDK


Step 1:

In the AWS Console create a public S3 Bucket to host a static website (Bucket A).
Save the static web hosting index as 'index.html' Note down the Endpoint URL
Create a second private S3 bucket to receive your files (Bucket B). Note down the 'ARN' of Bucket B

Under Bucket B's permissions set the 'CORS Configuration' as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">

Step 2:

Create OAuth 2.0 credentials via Google

Information on setting up 0Auth 2.0 via Google can be found HERE and HERE

Make sure in the Google console 'Authorized JavaScript origins' include the Bucket A endpoint URL
Note down your Google 'Client Id'.

Step 3:

Create an IAM Role with a web identity type. Use your Google Client ID as the ‘Audience’
In the 'permissions' tab create a new policy and enter in the following:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Stmt1510254114000",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
Note down your 'Role ARN'.

Step 4:

Fill in the included 'index.html' and 's3-upload.js' files with the required content.
Upload these files to Bucket A and make these files public.

Step 5:

Use the Bucket A Endpoint url to visit the homepage of your web app.
Authenticate your identity with Google.
Select “choose file” and select a file for upload.
Select upload and wait for a success signal. (Larger files may take some time.)
Once the status shows “UPLOADED” visit Bucket B and verify the file has successfully completed upload.

Built With



  • HTML and Javascript based on this blogpost by Prasad Josh.