
Product Reviews is a Ruby on Rails application that demonstrates the core functionality for a product review site.

Primary LanguageRuby

Product Reviews

Product Reviews is a Ruby on Rails application that demonstrates the core functionality for a product review site.

Anonymous users can:

  • View products and reviews

Signed Up, Logged In users can:

  • View products and reviews
  • Add a product, add a review
  • Visit their user page to see all their reviews
  • Edit and delete a review they've created

Admins can:

  • View products and reviews
  • Add a product, add a review
  • Visit their user page to see all their reviews
  • Edit, or delete any product or review



  • Run postgresql
    $ postgres
  • Using a new terminal tab, clone this repo
    $ git clone https://github.com/seanpierce/product_reviews_rails
  • Navigate into the cloned repo
    $ cd product_reviews_rails/
  • Install dependent ruby gems
    $ bundle install
  • Set up database
    $ bundle exec rails db:setup
  • Start the rails server
    $ rails s
  • visit the site at localhost:3000


The database will be populated with information via the Faker gem once the installation is complete. You can login as one of the test users with the information below, or sign up using your own credentials.

Type email password
Admin test@email.com 1234567
User test2@email.com 1234567
User test3@email.com 1234567

User Views

Signing up, adding a product and a review Logging in, editing and deleting reviews


Currently no known bugs. Please create an issue if one is discovered.


Sean Pierce




MIT © 2017