
A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Q# programming language, and continuing to learn the language.

Primary LanguageQ#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Learning QSharp

I am not too experienced with the Q# programming language at the moment. This document will go over my knowledge of the Q# language so far.

This document used version ? of the Q# programming language. The version will be listed with each example.

Comments in QSharp

Comments in Q# are similar to languages lika C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Google Go, etc.,

// This is a single line comment
/* This is
a multi-line
comment */

This example works with every version of Q#

Break keyword in QSharp

Q# does NOT support the break keyword.

To this day, I am still not entirely sure what the break keyword does, but most languages support it.

Hello World in QSharp

A hello world program in Q# is

namespace Quantum.HelloWorld
    // Import Quantum.Primitive  
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Primitive;  
    // Create an operation that adds two int and returns a total int  
    operation Add (a : Int, b : Int): (Int)  
            return (a + b);  

This example is currently a little too complicated for me to figure out without testing, so it was taken from c-sharpcorner.com

This example works with every version of Q#

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work


The majority of my Q# knowledge comes from self-experimentation, and Wikipedia. Self experimentation didn't go far, and I can't test the language without a Q# compiler. I don't even know how to write a Hello World program here, I took it from:


Other knowledge of QSharp

  1. Q# is a curly bracket and semicolon language

  2. Q# has a syntax similar to C#

  3. Q# uses the *.qs file extension

  4. Q# is a quantum computer programming language

  5. Q# is a programming language by Microsoft

  6. Q# is a language recognized by GitHub

  7. I am not sure whether Q# is an open source programming language or not.

  8. No other knowledge of QSharp at the moment.

File version: 1 (2022, Tuesday, April 19th at 3:42 pm PST)