
A place on SNU to buy, manage, and sell your NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) This build is required in certain SNU distributions. Learn how to build SNU here: https://gist.github.com/seanpm2001/745564a46186888e829fdeb9cda584de

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

SNU NFT Manager

NFTs are bad - EOL message

I have been meaning to come back to this for several months to conclude this project. I intended for SNU to be a platform for everything, but this appears to be an exception. Originally, when I made this project, I did hardly any research on NFTs, and through the past 8 months, I have only grown to hate them more and more, and regret making this repository. My original message was sloppily written late at night nearly a year before the final draft. You can view it here I am officially closing this repository today. A community fork may revive it in some form (please don't actually do this)

I rarely close projects, I should not have made the mistake of starting this one.

NFTs are a cancer to the Internet. They are so stupid and pointless. They are essentially a form of DRM, as they require copyright to function, and require locking users out of accessing files sent on the web. I hate copyright, and prefer copyleft, so this is not doable. It also seems stupid how much money people are wasting on this crap. All these groups promoting NFTs scatter the Internet, hijack accounts, and promote this utter nonsense. Some of it is just stealing artwork and selling it as your own (plagiarism + scamming)

I have noted that the quantity of NFTs and cryptoscams on the Internet is close in scale to Internet pornography, maybe because NFTs aren't considered inappropriate (NSFW) and because they are profitable for some.

I like the part of decentralization in web 3.0, I am a bit mixed on cryptocurrency, it is mostly negative, but I absolutely HATE NFTs.

NFTs are a huge setback to the movement of free knowledge and free information. I am frustrated by this, as there has been little progress on this for decades, due to pointless fights and raids (sometimes completely unjustified even by US laws) by the RIAA, MPA, and others (the RIAA can go die in a fire) and NFTs are just enforcing what we have been fighting against for years.

THIS PROJECT IS OVER. I am not going to resume development on it. If you want to discuss this further, discussion has been moved to the main SNU repository here

I am not even going to automate the rest of this project, it simply isn't worth it.


By the way, I find it funny that someone with the username Butters (the rest of the username is hidden to hide the identity a little bit) is starring this project, as Butters Leopald Scotch in South Park Post-COVID is a figure that is an NFT obsessed person held in a mental institution due to how he uses NFTs. Oh the irony. That is probably the only good thing to come out of this project.

There have been lots of NFT bots following me lately, I have gained nearly 100 followers in less than 2 weeks from it, but that isn't going to stop me from criticizing it.

File version: 1 (2023, Monday, March 6th at 3:45 am PST)