- 1
tutorial site is down
#36 opened by dfroger - 9
- 2
Chrome doesn't respond to task swicher
#31 opened by mgraham - 5
execute keybindings from cli
#29 opened by TheOtherTuhn - 1
How to prevent starting applications automatically multiple times when restarting goomwwm ?
#27 opened by xbot - 2
Multi Monitor setup
#26 opened by neuputnih1q - 1
Unable to move window when screen rotated.
#25 opened by PMaynard - 0
MOD+Tab backwards
#24 opened by PMaynard - 10
- 3
full-screen redraw incorrect
#22 opened by PMaynard - 5
- 2
- 1
- 1
f12 launcher + modkeyup
#17 opened by seanpringle - 1
add -delay options for cli notices
#12 opened by seanpringle - 0
allow custom menu position
#16 opened by seanpringle - 0
add group undo
#14 opened by seanpringle - 0
prevent messages box overlap
#13 opened by seanpringle - 4
VirtualBox's window kept resizing down
#11 opened by pomhg - 5
- 2
wmexec functionality
#3 opened by xmw - 3
modbutton + tab requires enter to switch focus
#6 opened by sneak - 1
Split up the source?
#5 opened by jamesamcl - 1
something like an ~/.goomwwmrc
#2 opened by xmw