Takes dialog data and trains a model to make responses for a conversation input.
Data must be formated as input text,output text for each exchange. File must be named [dialogs.csv]. note: no space between the input text or ouput text in relation to the comma.
Example data:
how are you?,i'm well
what is your name?,my name is john
Before TensorFlow builds the model we compile a dictionary of all the words in the training set to convert them to vectors. The code has a word frequency minimum by default, but you can uncomment one line to use every word in the dataset. The function is create_dictionary() near the bottom if you wish to do so.
Once the dictionary is built(This can take a few hours!) TensorFlow makes the model and starts training.
python train.py -dialog_path -units -layers -training_iterations -batch_size --restore --display_out --load_dictionary
Required to build:
- dialog_path: path to the dialog csv ex: /user/dialog_folder/
- units: number of neurons per GRU cell
- layers: number of layers deep for the recurrent model (min. 1)
- training_iteration: number of mini-batches to train on
- batch_size: number of dialog pairs per mini-batch
Not required:
- --restore: restores the model from a past save
- --display_out: displays a feed-forward of the model to the console
- --load_dictionary: uses a pre-built dictionary. Use this once you have built the model at least once. It save computing time.
All of the Not Required args are booleans that are entered automatically.
python train.py ~/adam/tensorflow_seq2seq/ 512 4 1000000 32
Makes a new model where the data is at "~/adam/tensorflow_seq2seq/". The model has 512 neurons per GRU cell and is 4 layers deep. The program will run for 1,000,000 iterations with a batch size of 32.
python train.py ~/adam/tensorflow_seq2seq/ 512 4 1000000 32 --restore --display_out --load_dictionary
This command will build the same model above and restore from a past save. This command will display a feed-forward pass after each training iteration. Also this command will use a past dictionary that is generated after the first run of the model.
python test.py -dialog_path -units -layers
Required to build:
- dialog_path: use the same path as used to train the model
- units: use the same number of neurons as when training
- layers: use the same number of layers as when training
python train.py ~/adam/tensorflow_seq2seq/ 512 4
This will use the model above after training. Once you run this a "> " will appear. Type in anything you want to see the output of the model.
FYI: To train this model you need something like a GTX TITAN X or a cluster computer and a lot of time. Not for the Deep Learning weary.