
Build conversation Seq2Seq models with TensorFlow

Primary LanguagePython

Tensorflow Seq2Seq For Conversations

Build conversation Seq2Seq models with TensorFlow

Takes dialog data and trains a model to make responses for a conversation input.


Data format

Data must be formated as input text,output text for each exchange. File must be named [dialogs.csv]. note: no space between the input text or ouput text in relation to the comma.

Example data:
how are you?,i'm well
what is your name?,my name is john

Before TensorFlow builds the model we compile a dictionary of all the words in the training set to convert them to vectors. The code has a word frequency minimum by default, but you can uncomment one line to use every word in the dataset. The function is create_dictionary() near the bottom if you wish to do so.

Once the dictionary is built(This can take a few hours!) TensorFlow makes the model and starts training.


python train.py -dialog_path -units -layers -training_iterations -batch_size --restore --display_out --load_dictionary

Required to build:

  • dialog_path: path to the dialog csv ex: /user/dialog_folder/
  • units: number of neurons per GRU cell
  • layers: number of layers deep for the recurrent model (min. 1)
  • training_iteration: number of mini-batches to train on
  • batch_size: number of dialog pairs per mini-batch

Not required:

  • --restore: restores the model from a past save
  • --display_out: displays a feed-forward of the model to the console
  • --load_dictionary: uses a pre-built dictionary. Use this once you have built the model at least once. It save computing time.

All of the Not Required args are booleans that are entered automatically.

Example: python train.py ~/adam/tensorflow_seq2seq/ 512 4 1000000 32 Makes a new model where the data is at "~/adam/tensorflow_seq2seq/". The model has 512 neurons per GRU cell and is 4 layers deep. The program will run for 1,000,000 iterations with a batch size of 32.

python train.py ~/adam/tensorflow_seq2seq/ 512 4 1000000 32 --restore --display_out --load_dictionary This command will build the same model above and restore from a past save. This command will display a feed-forward pass after each training iteration. Also this command will use a past dictionary that is generated after the first run of the model.


python test.py -dialog_path -units -layers

Required to build:

  • dialog_path: use the same path as used to train the model
  • units: use the same number of neurons as when training
  • layers: use the same number of layers as when training

Example: python train.py ~/adam/tensorflow_seq2seq/ 512 4 This will use the model above after training. Once you run this a "> " will appear. Type in anything you want to see the output of the model.


FYI: To train this model you need something like a GTX TITAN X or a cluster computer and a lot of time. Not for the Deep Learning weary.