
OpenCTI Documentation Space

Primary LanguageHTML

OpenCTI Documentation Space

Website Slack Status


This is the main repository of the OpenCTI Documentation space. The online version is available directly on docs.opencti.io.

Install the documentation locally

Clone the repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:OpenCTI-Platform/docs.git

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Launch the local environment:

$ mkdocs serve
Starting server at http://localhost:8000/

Deploy the documentation

Update the source

Commiting on the main branch does not impact (for now) the deployed documentation, please commit as many times as possible:

$ git commit -a -m "[docs] MESSAGE"
$ git push

Deploy and update the current version

With the right version number (eg. 5.7.X):

$ mike deploy --push [version]

Deploy a new stable version

With the right version number (eg. 5.7.X), update the latest tag:

$ mike deploy --push --update-aliases [version] latest

Useful commands

List versions:

$ mike list