- 1
Should be able to render specified HTML elements based on authentication/authorization status in client-side views
#59 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Create login module using the passport package so that users can login via social platforms (e.g. Google, Facebook)
#61 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Create `MockResponse` and `MockRequest` factories so that mock request and response object creation is centralized during unit test runs
#60 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Should be able to login
#57 opened by seanttaylor - 0
- 0
Create plugin for UserService so that it can return responses formatted as HAL
#54 opened by seanttaylor - 0
- 0
- 0
Create authorization plugin so that authenticated users have access to specified resources
#52 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Should be able to create a new `Post` via HTML frontend so API consumers can interact with the service using a web browser
#38 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Create request validation middleware on the `createPost` route so invalid requests are rejected immediately
#49 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Add HAL hypermedia response for 500 HTTP responses so clients have options to navigate away from errors
#40 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Create `MockWindowFactory` so that we can programmatically mock the DOM in unit test runs
#48 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Should be able to configure which modules are included among the default sandbox API so that consumers can exclude default modules they don't need
#47 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Why is morgan not logging HTTP requests?
#39 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Create middleware handler that returns a 404 HTTP response when fetching a non-existent `Post` id
#41 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Ensure `events` module returns only (1) instance of `EventEmitter` so that memory leak warnings do not throw during test runs
#44 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Configure Github Actions so that code is tested on push and pull requests to master branch
#43 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Create plugin that allows a client of the `PostService` select the format of the response from the service so that the client gets the data in a usable format
#37 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Create plugin to transform `PostService` JSON responses to HTML format so that API consumers view API data on web browsers
#36 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Create plugin to transform JSON HTTP responses to the HAL hypermedia format so that API consumers can explore the API via links
#33 opened by seanttaylor - 0
- 0
Add jsdoc configuration to automatically generate a webpage of documentation on application functions and methods
#31 opened by seanttaylor - 0
- 0
Any factories that return services should return a singleton so that exactly one instance of service may exist at a time
#19 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Event permissions should configurable such that they do not need to be hardcoded in a permissions file
#10 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Should be able to spin up the application in `docker-compose` to run additional external services in development
#27 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Migrate all event handling logic for events emitted by client-defined modules to Application Core
#22 opened by seanttaylor - 0
Should be able to create UUIDs from a default sandbox API so that all modules can generate ids
#18 opened by seanttaylor - 0
- 0
Create JSON schemas for all event payloads to validate event data in emitted application events
#16 opened by seanttaylor - 0
- 0
- 1
Should be able to recover/resume in-progress work on restarting a problem module
#5 opened by seanttaylor - 1
- 0
Should be able to add additional strategies to service that already has recovery strategies registered
#21 opened by seanttaylor - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Create `MockSandboxBoxFactory` to mock default Sandbox API methods during unit tests
#11 opened by seanttaylor - 0
- 1
Should be able to determine if application modules have to permission to trigger specified AppEvents
#2 opened by seanttaylor - 0
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