
Using Node.js, get teamtreehouse.com users' badge count and points by topic

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Using Node.js, get teamtreehouse.com users' badge count and points by topic.


Create a directory and cd into it.

Install via NPM:

$ npm install --production treehouse-profile-cli && mv node_modules/* ./ && rmdir node_modules
> npm install --production treehouse-profile-cli && xcopy node_modules\*  /j /s /i /q /y && rmdir node_modules /s /q

Note: The extra commands after the npm install move the files outside of the default node_modules folder that is created when using NPM. Since this isn't an embeddable module the contents are taken out of that folder and moved into the folder you're in, then the empty folder is deleted. This way it looks like if you had cloned the repo from Github.

Hack on it

cd into the treehouse-profile-cli directory then:

$ npm install


$ node app.js <Topic:String (case-sensitive)> <User(s):String || Array (space-separated)>


$ node app.js JavaScript seantunwin chalkers