
Primary LanguagePython


Install instructions

  1. Run ./setup.py in your shell
  2. That's it

If you're on campus you might want to set up your HTTP_PROXY environment variable like this: HTTP_PROXY="hmdyas001@proxynet.uct.ac.za" ./setup.py


This app tests students using student-submitted questions, and reports back students' performance.

Users are able to register accounts and log in. Once logged in, they are displayed a menu:

Students only have permissions to answer questions and to rate questions (ie. indicate how suitable a question is for usage). If they opt to answer questions, they are shown questions (both MCQ and One-Word-Answers (OWA)) to answer. They are not shown questions they have already answered. They are also able to give any questions a score from 1 to 100 along with a reason for their rating. Students can also navigate back to the main menu at any point.

Teachers are able to view a class list, reporting back the results of all the students (in terms of how well they did at answering questions). They can also view all 'weak' questions - questions which no one answered correctly or that were rated very poorly. They can flag these weak questions as unusable, in which case they will not be asked in the future. They can also view a report on all the questions that have been submitted, check a specific students' performance at answering questions, and check a specific students' questions. Teachers are also given the ability to generate a test of up to 10 questions, with a certain number of questions of varying levels of difficulty.

Database Implementation


Users (Regnum CHAR(9) PRIMARY KEY, FullName VARCHAR(50), Salt VARCHAR (20), HashedPassword VARCHAR(40), UserType VARCHAR(7))

Questions (Qno INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Question VARCHAR(100), RightAnswer VARCHAR(20), SetBy CHAR(9), Useless BOOLEAN, Difficulty INTEGER)

MCQAns (Qno INTEGER, Letter CHAR(1), Answer VARCHAR(20))

Answers (Regnum CHAR(9), Qno INTEGER, Answer VARCHAR(20))

Ratings (Qno INTEGER, Regnum CHAR(9), Points INTEGER, Reason VARCHAR(50))

Explanation of Relations:

Users (Regnum, FullName, Salt, HashedPassword, UserType): This provides a list of all users and details. Regnum is the user's unique identifier; salt is used as a security measure when hashing passwords; the password stored has been hashed, and the UserType determines what privileges the user has (student or teacher). FullName is necessary for when reporting students' results.

Questions (Qno, Question, RightAnswer, SetBy, Useless, Difficulty) & MCQAns (Qno, Letter, Answer): All Questions, MCQ or one-word answer, are stored in Questions (Qno, Question, RightAnswer, SetBy, Useless, Difficulty). In addition, the answers to all the MCQs are stored in MCQAns (Qno, Letter, Answer), where Letter will in general be one of 'A','B','C' or 'D' but any MCQ is not restricted to having exactly 4 answers.

Answers (Regnum, Qno, Answer): A table for Answers that records who answered which question with what answer.

Ratings (Qno, Regnum, Points, Reason): A table to store how questions were rated by users. There should be a score from 1 to 100 (points) as well as a reason for the rating given. The rater's Regnum is also stored.

Database Interaction

setupDb.py contains the commands that create the database.

db.py returns a connection to the database.

authentication.py handles database queries required for login and finds the User Type to check if the role of the user in the system has permissions for access.

answer_q.py handles all the interaction necessary for allowing a student to answer a question. This includes getting the question, getting the possible answers for MCQs, and recording the student's answer.

get_user_data.py handles the interaction for reports about a specific student or the whole class list.

difficulty.py handles setting the difficulty of questions, handling 'weak' questions and generates a test of up to 10 questions, varying in difficulty.

Notes on how to use the app

Answering Questions

The UI will go green if an answer has been submited successfully and is correct, and red if it is incorrect. In both of these cases you will be taken to the following question and will not be able to answer it again.

Word Questions: enter your answer into the input field and press the 'Submit answer' buton MCQ Questions: click on the appropriate option to cast your answer

Marking Questions as Useless

In the Weak Questions menu, with a list of questions loaded, simply click on one of the rows and it will become greyed out with a strikethrough. A Mark as Weak button will become active on the bottom right from which you can submit the changes to the databases. Weak questions will automatically be loaded with a strike through and can have the mark removed by clicking it a second time and pressing the button.

Viewing a Students score

Simply enter the students' student number and click the 'Retrieve' button, the student's details will be fetched and populated.

Viewing Questions submitted by a user

Simply enter the students' student number and click the 'Retrieve' button to populate the list with questions which the student has created.

Rate a Question

You will be given a question along with its answer and will be able to enter a rating value between 0 and 100. larger numbers will be cleared out when the input box loses focus and the submit button will become disabled until the number is valid

Populating the Database

CSV files have been supplied that can be used to populate the database with sample data. These files are AnswerData.csv, MCQAnsData.csv, QuestionsData.csv, ratingsData.csv and userlist.csv.

List of Files


































