Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Hong Kong Institute of Science & Innovation, Chinese Academy of SciencesHong Kong
seanxuu's Following
- AllentDanShanghai AI Lab
- bojone
- boson-aiUnited States of America
- CARES-Copilot
- codemayqPeking University
- CoobiwPeking University
- datamllabUnited States of America
- dlwsdqdwsUniversity of Southern California
- EndlessChengHangzhou, China
- givebestZhengZhou
- Hannibal046Peking University; intern@DeepSeek
- hiyougaMillennium Science School
- HKBUNLPHong Kong Baptist University
- jbhuang0604University of Maryland College Park
- jzhang38
- kongxinren733
- krisztinasinkovics@smallrobotcompany
- lm-sys
- majingCUHKThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- MichalZawalski
- MobileLLM
- OaklightUniversity of Chicago
- OpenRobotLab
- pengsida
- shimmyshimmerUnsloth AI
- songhanMIT, NVIDIA
- tastelikefeet
- volkerjaenischInqbus scientific computing
- wang-xnn
- wangxnn
- wenmengzhouAlibaba Institute for Intelligent Computing
- wong2Jike
- Yangqing@leptonai
- zeromq