
Project for W4112 Database Systems Implementation

Primary LanguageJava

Sean Yeh, Michael Eng
smy2112, mse2124
COMS 4112 Project 2 Readme

How to build and run:
1. Run the makefile with "make".  If you need to clean up compiled files, use "make clean".
2. Run the shell file with "sh stage2.sh query.txt config.txt".

File listing:
Algorithm.java- the main file where the algorithm code resides and is run
Record.java- the data storage class for individual plans
config.txt- Stores the configuration values provided in the kit
query.txt- Set of selectivity values to be used as tests for the algorithm
readme.txt- this file
stage2.sh- The shell script used to execute the program
Makefile- the makefile used to compile the code and clean up compiled code if desired

More comprehensive documentation can be found within the comments of Algorithm.java and Record.java.