
shell-watch is a zsh script that automatically sources your ~/.zshrc when it is modified. This allows you to access changes to your ~/.zshrc instantly (such as setting environment variables).


To install

mkdir -p ~/.shell-watch && curl "" -o ~/.shell-watch/shell-watch.zsh

Add the following to your ~/.zshrc:

source ~/.shell-watch/shell-watch.zsh

Finally, run source ~/.zshrc. This should be the last time you ever need to do this!


Custom watch list

By default, shell-watch watches your ~/.zshrc, but you can also configure it to watch other files instead. Simply create a file in ~/.config/shell-watch/ (or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell-watch if you have a custom $XDG_CONFIG_HOME) called watchlist:

# ~/.config/shell-watch/watchlist
# List files you want to watch, one per line

Custom command

When a change is made to a file on the watch list, source ~/.zshrc is run. You can customize this by creating a file in ~/.config/shell-watch/ (or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell-watch if you have a custom $XDG_CONFIG_HOME) called command. If this file exists, source ~/.config/shell-watch/command will be run instead.

# ~/.config/shell-watch/command
# Run any commands you want
source ~/.zshrc
echo "hello"