
A tool that detects versions of open source apps based on the world-readable assets such as images, js, css or static html

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A tool that detects versions of open source apps based on the world-readable assets such as images, js, css or static html.

I tested this tool against couple of popular webapps. To see how it performs in practice take a look here.


The tool doesn't use any external packages. You only need git installed and in your PATH.

usage: python fingermonkey.py [-h] [-v] REPOSITORY FILE [FILE ...]

positional arguments:
  REPOSITORY     Path to the git repository
  FILE           Path(s) to the file(s) to use for fingerprinting.
                 If a directory is passed, the tool will find all
                 files under this directory and its subdirectories recursively.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose

Example 1. Downloading as much stuff as possible :)


Say that SomeOpenSourceApp is running on http://superopensourceapp.example.com. Download all assets from couple of pages recursively:

wget -r -erobots=off https://superopensourceapp.example.com/some_page -P /tmp/some_page/
wget -r -erobots=off https://superopensourceapp.example.com/other_page -P /tmp/other_page/
# sometimes 404 pages are static, so try:
wget -r -erobots=off https://superopensourceapp.example.com/idontexist123123 -P /tmp/404_page/

Then clone the SomeOpenSourceApp's repo to some location (say ~/repos/SomeOpenSourceApp)

git clone https://imaginary.git.hosting.example.com/superopensourceapp ~/repos/SomeOpenSourceApp

Running the tool

To find possible versions of SomeOpenSourceApp based on versions of gathered files, run:

python fingermonkey.py ~/repos/SomeOpenSourceApp /tmp/some_page /tmp/other_page /tmp/404_page

Example 2. Testing specific files


Rarely some apps won't minify their javascript/css files, so you can use them for fingerprinting.

Say that SomeOpenSourceApp is running on http://superopensourceapp.example.com and there's:

Download those files to some location:

wget http://superopensourceapp.example.com/js/app.js -O /tmp/app.js
wget http://superopensourceapp.example.com/styles/main.css -O /tmp/main.css

Running the tool

To find possible versions of SomeOpenSourceApp based on versions of gathered files, run:

python fingermonkey.py ~/repos/SomeOpenSourceApp /tmp/app.js /tmp/main.css

How does it work

To use the tool, you need to download some files from your target (preferably a lot of them :], wget -r is your friend) and clone the git repository of the app. When you pass those assets and the repository to fingermonkey it will:

  1. Iterate through all the supplied files and calculate their git hashes:
git hash-object <your-file>
  1. Check if those files exist in any revision of the supplied repository. The files that don't have corresponding blob objects in the repository are ignored.

  2. Iterate through all the tags in the repository and gather those that have at least one of the blob objects from step 2. in their tree.

# for each tag:
git ls-tree -r <tag>
  1. Finally, fingermonkey will display 10 tags with the highest number of matching blobs.