
Sample code for AWS data service and ML courses on LinkedIn Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

AWS Data Services and Machine Learning

IMPORTANT This Repo is a companion to my LinkedIn Learning courses - services covered are shown in the diagram below. Detail on DEMOS for AWS services in this file

  • 📚 my 'AWS Data Services' Linked In Learning course - link
  • 📚 my 'AWS Machine Learning' Linked In Learning course - link

AWS Data Services and Machine Learning

Learn More AWS from Lynn

Code and Notes

My example AWS GitHub Repos (code, links and sample data):

  • :octocat: 'hello-aws-data-services' - link - this repo
  • :octocat: 'aws-cost-control' - link - repo / course
  • :octocat: 'learning-hadoop-and-spark' - link - repo / course
  • :octocat: 'learning-nosql' - link - repo / course

Articles, Screencasts and Courses

  • 📖 my Medium articles on AWS topics - link
  • 🗣️ my YouTube AWS Serverless Playlist for serverless AWS - link
  • 🗣️ my YouTube general AWS Playlist for general AWS - link
  • 🗣️ my AWS Community Hero award(for Data) - link
  • 📚 my LI_L courses - I have a large number of cloud and data courses on LinkedIn Learning. Below is a summary chart of my most popular courses for AWS Data topics. Just search on the course title (or my name) on the LinkedIn Learning site to view these courses.

AWS top courses