
Top 1 solution of Chexpert

Primary LanguagePython

Top1 Solution of CheXpert

What is Chexpert?

CheXpert is a large dataset of chest X-rays and competition for automated chest x-ray interpretation, which features uncertainty labels and radiologist-labeled reference standard evaluation sets.

Why Chexpert?

Chest radiography is the most common imaging examination globally, critical for screening, diagnosis, and management of many life threatening diseases. Automated chest radiograph interpretation at the level of practicing radiologists could provide substantial benefit in many medical settings, from improved workflow prioritization and clinical decision support to large-scale screening and global population health initiatives. For progress in both development and validation of automated algorithms, we realized there was a need for a labeled dataset that (1) was large, (2) had strong reference standards, and (3) provided expert human performance metrics for comparison.

How to take part in?

CheXpert uses a hidden test set for official evaluation of models. Teams submit their executable code on Codalab, which is then run on a test set that is not publicly readable. Such a setup preserves the integrity of the test results.

Here's a tutorial walking you through official evaluation of your model. Once your model has been evaluated officially, your scores will be added to the leaderboard.Please refer to thehttps://stanfordmlgroup.github.io/competitions/chexpert/

What the code include?

  • If you want to train yourself from scratch, we provide training and test the footwork code. In addition, we provide complete training courses
  • If you want to use our model in your method, we provide a best single network pre-training model, and you can get the network code in the code

train the model by yourself

  • Data preparation

We gave you the example file, which is in the folder 'config/train.csv' You can follow it and write its path to 'config/example.json'

  • if you want to train the model,please run the command.(We use 4 1080Ti for training, so larger than 4 gpus is recommended):

pip install -r requirements.txt

python Chexpert/bin/train.py Chexpert/config/example.json logdir --num_workers 8 --device_ids "0,1,2,3"

  • if you want to test your model,please run the command:

cd logdir/

  • cuz we set "save_top_k": 3 in the config/example.json, so we may have got 3 models for ensemble here. So you should do as below:

cp best1.ckpt best.ckpt

python classification/bin/test.py

  • if you want to plot the roc figure and get the AUC, please run the command

python classification/bin/roc.py plotname

  • How to drink a cup of coffee?

you can run the command like this. Then you can have a cup of caffe.(log will be written down on the disk) python Chexpert/bin/train.py Chexpert/config/example.json logdir --num_workers 8 --device_ids "0,1,2,3" --logtofile True &

train the model with pre-trained weights

  • we provide one pre-trained model here: config/pre_train.pth we test it on 200 patients dataset, got the AUC as below:
Cardiomegaly Edema Consolidation Atelectasis Pleural_Effusion
0.8703 0.9436 0.9334 0.9029 0.9166
  • you can train the model with pre-trained weights,run the command as below:

python Chexpert/bin/train.py Chexpert/config/example.json logdir --num_workers 8 --device_ids "0,1,2,3" --pre_train "Chexpert/config/pre_train.pth"


  • If you have any quesions, please post it on github issues or email at coolver@sina.com



  1. train.py

    • 修改了.cuda()
    • 修改了多进程的调度方式
    • 修改了输出带空格的名字时,出现的警告
  2. 数据路径

    • 针对小数据集,将数据路径做如下链接:ln -s /data/zhangwd/data/external/xray/CheXpert_512/CheXpert-v1.0-small ./CheXpert-v1.0-small, ln -s ${datapath}/CheXpert-v1.0-small ./CheXpert-v1.0-small
  3. 训练脚本

    • 训练脚本:chexpert_task_gpu4.sh, 目前能够运行的脚本(lse_fpa, lse_cam, avgmax_cam)(时间点:2020.1.10),需要修改其中的配置文件中的文件路径:
      • ``` "train_csv": "CheXpert-v1.0-small/train.csv",
         "dev_csv": "CheXpert-v1.0-small/valid.csv",
  4. test

    • 在做test之前,需要先训练生成相应的模型,具体存放在模型路径下,test程序中默认的会调用best1.ckpt模型
    • CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 python bin/test.py --model_path ./logdir/lse_fpa/ --in_csv_path ./logdir/lse_fpa/dev.csv
  5. plot roc

    • CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 python bin/roc.py Edema --pred_csv_path test/test.csv --true_csv_path ./logdir/lse_fpa/dev.csv
    • config/lse_fpa.json配置文件下,5个epoch的结果:
    •    Cardiomegaly auc 0.8331071913161466
         Edema auc 0.9339963833634719
         Consolidation auc 0.9203869047619048
         Atelectasis auc 0.8900266666666666
         Pleural Effusion auc 0.9278492647058822
    • roc曲线位于test/路径下
    • 问题:上述auc的validation数据和画roc的数据是一样的,正常应该使用专门的test数据集