
Resources to manage multiple FLUFFI instances

Primary LanguagePython


  • fuzzgoat/ - example of binary and initial seed
  • analysis.ipynb - data analysis notebook
  • ansible_hosts - Ansible host file for managing FLUFFI containers and host
  • experiment.py - CLI for starting an experiment on one host
  • extract.py - consolidates data from experiments/ directory into a single Parquet file
  • fluffi.py - functions for managing FLUFFI instances
  • fuzzjob.py - functions for managing FLUFFI fuzz jobs
  • manage.py - CLI for managing FLUFFI instances
  • measurements.parquet - data collected from all experiments
  • ssh_config - SSH config file for FLUFFI containers and host
  • util.py - functions for fault tolerant SSH, SCP, SQL, and HTTP clients

Server Assignments

Run 1:

  • 1021-5 - Constant / FLUFFI
  • 1021-6 - FAST / FLUFFI
  • 1021-7 - Constant / Round-Robin
  • 1021-8 - FAST / Round-Robin

Run 2:

  • 1021-5 - Constant / AFLFast
  • 1021-6 - FAST / AFLFast
  • 1021-7 - Constant / AFLFast
  • 1021-8 - FAST / AFLFast


cp ssh_config ~/.ssh/config
sudo cp ansible_hosts /etc/ansible/hosts

Useful Commands

ansible fluffi -f 1 -a "uptime"
watch -n 30 "ansible workers -f 1 -a 'uptime'"
nohup python3 experiment.py run1 5 &