INTERSPEECH 2023: "DPHuBERT: Joint Distillation and Pruning of Self-Supervised Speech Models"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repo contains the code and models for our paper:

Yifan Peng, Yui Sudo, Shakeel Muhammad, and Shinji Watanabe, “DPHuBERT: Joint Distillation and Pruning of Self-Supervised Speech Models,” in Proc. INTERSPEECH, 2023. (to appear)


DPHuBERT is a task-agnostic compression method based on joint distillation and structured pruning. DPHuBERT outperforms pure distillation methods in most SUPERB tasks. It also performs well with limited training data. Our method can be directly applied to various speech SSL models like HuBERT (eithr Base or Large) and WavLM.

The training procedure is illustrated in the figure below:

Training procedure of DPHuBERT

The main results are summarized in this table:

DPHuBERT results

Our models are also shown in the SUPERB leaderboard. Here are the results sorted by Rank and Score, respectively.

SUPERB sorted by Rank

SUPERB sorted by Score


Our code is based on PyTorch, TorchAudio, and PyTorch Lightning. Please install these required packages from their official sources. The latest versions should work. We include our versions below for reference.

# Main packages for training

# Other packages for obtaining pre-trained SSL


Please follow these steps to train DPHuBERT.

1. Download and prepare audio data

The following script creates file lists for LibriSpeech in tsv format. LibriSpeech_PATH is the path to the downloaded raw data.

python prepare_data.py --data LibriSpeech_PATH --out data/librispeech

The output directory has this structure:

└── librispeech
    ├── train100.tsv
    ├── train960.tsv
    └── valid.tsv

2. Download pre-trained SSL (e.g., HuBERT Base) and convert it to our format

We need to download pre-trained SSL checkpoints from fairseq or Hugging Face and then convert them to our own format. These models will be used as the teacher for compression. For example, we can obtain HuBERT Base by executing:

mkdir -p pretrained
python convert_hubert_from_hf.py

The converted checkpoint will be saved as pretrained/hubert-base-ls960.hf.pth. The output path can be changed in the python script.

3. Start training

After preparing data and pre-trained model, we can start training by sequentially executing the four python scripts: distill.py, prune.py, final_distill.py, and save_final_ckpt.py. We provide a shell script run.sh to better record the hyper-parameters. By default, we request 4 NVIDIA A100 (40GB) GPUs via the SLURM job scheduler. It takes around 6 hours to compress HuBERT Base. Please modify the hyper-parameters if the environment is different. For example, one can reduce the number of GPUs but enable gradient accumulation to keep the total batch size in a similar range.

sbatch run.sh

After training, the compressed model parameters and configurations will be saved in the corresponding experiment directory. We can easily load a compressed model as follows:

import torch
from wav2vec2.model import wav2vec2_model

ckpt_path = "path/to/ckpt"
ckpt = torch.load(ckpt_path)
model = wav2vec2_model(**ckpt["config"])
result = model.load_state_dict(ckpt["state_dict"], strict=False)
print(f"missing: {result.missing_keys}, unexpected: {result.unexpected_keys}")
print(f"{sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters())} params")

Pre-trained models

We also provide some pre-trained models.

Name Teacher Sparsity Params Link
DPHuBERT HuBERT Base 0.75 23,585,946 Hugging Face
DPWavLM WavLM Base+ 0.75 23,586,325 Hugging Face


Please cite our paper if you use DPHuBERT.

    title={{DPHuBERT: Joint Distillation and Pruning of Self-Supervised Speech Models}},
    author={Yifan Peng and Yui Sudo and Shakeel Muhammad and Shinji Watanabe},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH)},


We thank the authors of the following projects for open-sourcing their code:

  • TorchAudio: Our speech SSL models and training pipelines are based on TorchAudio.
  • FLOP: Our implementation of the Hard Concrete Distribution is from FLOP.
  • CoFiPruning: Some of our training hyper-parameters follow CoFiPruning.

Our method is inspired by prior studies: