- 0
usage: [-h] config_file error: the following arguments are required: config_file
#33 opened by pycoder074 - 0
- 0
- 0
ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (128, 250, 250, 3) for Tensor 'inputs:0', which has shape '(?, 112, 96, 3)'
#21 opened by amarsaikhanb - 1
ID Selfie Dataset
#30 opened by musgan - 4
Thank U for creating Docface!got a good results after finetuned!Can u tell how to save model as SavedModel?tf的那个savedModel格式,搞了好久不成功
#25 opened by eguoguo321 - 0
java error
#29 opened by zfs1993 - 0
How to Run DocFace fine tuning on CPU
#28 opened by abhianand7 - 1
#24 opened by lxalano - 1
base model training without se
#22 opened by hustzeyu - 1
How to create lfw_pairs.txt
#23 opened by bleakie - 0
How to do the model parallelism ?
#27 opened by vvictor-lee - 1
about MPS loss
#16 opened by ronghuaiyang - 1
pair loss
#26 opened by HaoLiuHust - 4
#20 opened by Wentao795 - 4
how to debug your code?
#19 opened by yang0817manman - 4
- 6
NotFoundError (see above for traceback): Key FaceResNet/conv1/layer_0/Conv/biases not found in checkpoint
#10 opened by xinliu111 - 3
public IvS data?
#5 opened by Linxincode - 1
How to test model??
#15 opened by edwin-19 - 1
diam implement question
#17 opened by ronghuaiyang - 0
- 3
the weight imprinting implement question
#8 opened by ronghuaiyang - 2
how can I get the Public IvS dataset?
#7 opened by JasonJJL - 1
Is it necessary to perform face alignment preprocessing on the test dataset?
#14 opened by helloWorldFsz - 10
import tflib error!
#6 opened by smartadpole - 1
how to convert to caffe model?
#11 opened by westpilgrim - 0
I continued to train based on the model I trained, but the accuracy became very low. Why?
#13 opened by xinliu111 - 0
base model
#9 opened by westpilgrim - 12
How can I mention the imagelist.txt file?
#4 opened by ytgcljj - 3
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