FrankFund REST API


REST API data endpoints using standard HTTP Requests for GET/POST/DELETE/PUT/PATCH methods.

Requests must specify the header Content-Type: application/json

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Savings Goals

User Accounts



User Transactions

User SavingsGoals

User Receipts

User Subscriptions


HTTP requests must be in the form:{apikey}

  • The trailing part of the endpoint should be the literal "&apikey=" followed immediately by your issued developer API key

  • Your apikey is labeled "private_key_id" in your Auth.json file.

Error Codes

  • Improperly authenticated requests will return a HTTP 401 Unauthorized.

  • Improperly formated requests or improper data will return a HTTP 400 Bad Request.

  • Retrieving data that returns 0 rows in BigQuery will return a HTTP 204 No Content.

  • POST requests to create an object that already exists with the given id will return a HTTP 409 Conflict.

  • PATCH requests to update an object that does not exist will return a HTTP 404 Not Found.

  • Non GET/DELETE requests that do not specify Content-Type header will return a HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type.

Active REST Endpoints:


[GET] /api/SavingsGoal/SGID={SGID}&apikey={apikey}

Serves JSON response of the SavingsGoal data with the given SavingsGoalID.
Returns HTTP 204 No Content if no SavingsGoal exists with the given SGID.

Example Request: HTTP GET{apikey}

[POST] /api/SavingsGoal&apikey={apikey}

Creates a new SavingsGoal with the next available SGID and JSON request payload. Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly created SavingsGoal.

Example Requests: HTTP POST{apikey}

	"Name": "Tuition",
	"AccountID": 2,
	"GoalAmt": 3425,
	"Period": "Weekly",
	"EndDate": "2021-06-04"

Create a SavingsGoal by date, system will dynamically calculate { ContrAmt, NumPeriods, StartDate, EndDate } parameters.

[POST] /api/SavingsGoal/SGID={SGID}&apikey={apikey}

Creates a new SavingsGoal with the given SavingsGoalID and JSON request payload.

Returns HTTP 409 Conflict if a SavingsGoal already exists with the given SGID.

Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly created SavingsGoal.

Example Requests: HTTP POST{apikey}

	"Name": "Tuition",
	"AccountID": 2,
	"GoalAmt": 3425,
	"Period": "Weekly",
	"EndDate": "2021-06-04"

Create a SavingsGoal by date, system will dynamically calculate { ContrAmt, NumPeriods, StartDate, EndDate } parameters.

	"Name": "Tuition",
	"AccountID": 2,
	"GoalAmt": 3425,
	"Period": "Weekly",
	"ContrAmt": 325

Create a SavingsGoal by allotted contribution, system will dynamically calculate {ContrAmt, NumPeriods, StartDate, EndDate } parameters.

[DELETE] /api/SavingsGoal/SGID={SGID}&apikey={apikey}

Delete the SavingsGoal with the given SGID, has no effect it no SavingsGoal exists with the given SGID.

Example Request: HTTP DELETE{apikey}

[PATCH] /api/SavingsGoal/SGID={SGID}&apikey={apikey}

For updating parameters Name, Period, EndDate:

  • Updates a single attribute of the SavingsGoal with the given SGID and dynamically recalculate the remaining parameters to reflect the change applies.
  • Returns HTTP 400 Bad Request if JSON request payload contains more than a single parameter to update

For updating parameter GoalAmt:

  • JSON request body must also specify a boolean parameter ExtendDate with the value:
    • True if the system should shorten/lengthen the EndDate of the SavingsGoal to reflect the change in the GoalAmt
    • False if the system should instead increase/decrease the NumPeriods toreflect the change in the GoalAmt

For updating parameter ContrAmt:

  • JSON request body MAY optionally specify the Period parameter to update ContrAmt and Period simultaneously.
  • List of supported periods: { Daily, Weekly, BiWeekly, Monthly, BiMonthly }

Returns HTTP 404 Not Found if no SavingsGoal exists with the given SGID.

Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly updated SavingsGoal.

Example Requests: HTTP PATCH{apikey}

	"Name" : "Tuition"

PATCH request with the above JSON request body will update the associated Name attribute of the SavingsGoal.

	"EndDate" : "2021-07-04"

PATCH request with the above JSON request body will update the EndDate attribute of the SavingsGoal, causing the NumPeriods and contrAmt per period to dynamically recalculate.

	"GoalAmt": 4425,
	"ExtendDate": true

PATCH request with the above JSON request body will update the GoalAmt without affecting payment amount by modifying the SavingsGoal's EndDate and NumPeriods.

    	"ContrAmt": 425,
		"Period": "BiWeekly",

PATCH request with the above JSON request body will update the ContrAmt per BiWeekly period to $425.00, causing NumPeriods and EndDate to dynamically recalculate.


[POST] /api/account/create&apikey={apikey}

Create a new UserAccount with the specified JSON request payload. Request payload must specify the attributes: { AccountUsername, EmailAddress, Password }, otherwise returns HTTP 400 Bad Request. AccountID is automatically assigned as the next available ID.

Returns HTTP 409 Conflict if:

  • Account already exists with the given Username
  • Email address is invalid/malformed, or an account already exists with the given Email
  • Password fails to meet security requirements

Example Request: HTTP POST{apikey}

	"AccountUsername" : "testUname",
	"EmailAddress" : "",
	"Password" : "tesp@ssw0rd2"

[GET] /api/account/accID={accID}&apikey={apikey}

[GET] /api/account/user={user}&apikey={apikey}

[GET] /api/account/email={email}&apikey={apikey}

Serves JSON response of the associated UserAccount data. Returns HTTP 204 No Content if no UserAccount exists with the given accID.

Example Request: HTTP GET{apikey}

HTTP GET{apikey}

HTTP GET{apikey}

[DELETE] /api/account/accID={accID}&apikey={apikey}

[DELETE] /api/account/user={user}&apikey={apikey}

[DELETE] /api/account/email={email}&apikey={apikey}

Delete the UserAccount with the given identifier, has no effect if no account exists with the given accID.

Example Request: HTTP DELETE{apikey}



[PATCH] /api/account/accID={accID}&apikey={apikey}

Update an existing User Account with the specified AccountID, data payload does not need to specify all attributes. Any number of attributes can be specified simultaneously to update the User Account.

Returns HTTP 404 Not Found if no User Account exists with the given accID.

Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly updated UserAccount.

Example Requests:{apikey}

    "AccountUsername": "testing",
    "EmailAddress": "",
    "Password": "Password2"

PATCH request with this request body will update all attributes of the existing User Account.

    "AccountUsername": "newUsername"

PATCH request with this request body will update just the AccountUsername of the existing User Account.

[PATCH] /api/account/user={user}&apikey={apikey}

Update an existing User Account with the specified AccountID, data payload does not need to specify all attributes. Any number of attributes can be specified simultaneously to update the User Account.

Returns HTTP 404 Not Found if no User Account exists with the given accID.

Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly updated UserAccount.

Example Requests:{apikey}

    "EmailAddress": ""

PATCH request with this request body will update just the EmailAddress of the existing User Account.

    "Password": "newPassword"

PATCH request with this request body will update just the Password of the existing User Account.


[GET] /api/Transaction/TID={TID}&apikey={apikey}

Serves JSON response of the Transaction data with the given TransactionID. Returns HTTP 204 No Content if no Transaction exists with the given TID.

Example Request: HTTP GET{apikey}

[POST] /api/Transaction&apikey={apikey}

Create a new Transaction with the next available TID and the JSON request payload. Request payload must specify all attributes except DateTransactionEntered, otherwise returns HTTP 400 Bad Request.

Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly updated Transaction.

Example Request: HTTP POST{apikey}

	"SGID": 2,
	"AccountID": 1,
	"TransactionName": "Netflix",
	"Amount": 9.99,
	"DateTransactionMade": "2020-12-14",
	"IsExpense": true,
	"TransactionCategory": "Entertainment"

[POST] /api/Transaction/TID={TID}&apikey={apikey}

Create a new Transaction with the specified TransactionID and JSON request payload. Request payload must specify all attributes except DateTransactionEntered, otherwise returns HTTP 400 Bad Request.

Returns HTTP 409 Conflict if a Transaction already exists with the given TID

Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly updated Transaction.

Example Request: HTTP POST{apikey}

	"SGID": 2,
	"AccountID": 1,
	"TransactionName": "Netflix",
	"Amount": 9.99,
	"DateTransactionMade": "2020-12-14",
	"IsExpense": true,
	"TransactionCategory": "Entertainment"

[DELETE] /api/Transaction/TID={TID}&apikey={apikey}

Delete a Transaction with the specified TramsactopmID, has no effect if no Transaction exists with the given TID.

Example Request: HTTP DELETE{apikey}

[PUT] /api/Transaction/TID={TID}&apikey={apikey}

Update or create a new Transaction with the specified TID and data payload.

Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly updated or created Transaction.

Example Request: HTTP PUT{apikey}

	"SGID": 2,
	"AccountID": 1,
	"TransactionName": "Netflix",
	"Amount": 9.99,
	"DateTransactionMade": "2020-12-14",
	"IsExpense": true,
	"TransactionCategory": "Entertainment"

If a Transaction with the given TID does not exist, request will create one. Must specify all attributes except DateTransactionEntered to create the Transaction, otherwise returns HTTP 400 Bad Request.

	"SGID": 2,
	"AccountID": 1,
	"TransactionName": "Netflix",
	"Amount": 9.99,
	"DateTransactionMade": "2020-12-14",
	"DateTransactionEntered": "2020-12-17",
	"IsExpense": true,
	"TransactionCategory": "Entertainment"

Otherwise if a Transaction with the given TID already exists request will update it. HTTP PUT protocol specifies that you must specify ALL attributes even if only changing some, otherwise returns HTTP 400 Bad Request.

[PATCH] /api/Transaction/TID={TID}&apikey={apikey}

Update an existing Transaction with the specified TransactionID, data payload does not need to specify all attributes. Any number of attributes can be specified simultaneously to update the Transaction.

Returns HTTP 404 Not Found if no Transaction exists with the given TID.

Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly updated Transaction.

Example Requests: HTTP PATCH{apikey}

	"TransactionName": "Hulu"

PATCH request with this request body will update just the TransactionName attribute of the existing Transaction.

	"TransactionName": "Hulu",
	"Amount": "5.99"

PATCH request with this request body will update both the TransactionName and Amount attributes of the existing Transaction.


[GET] /api/Receipt/RID={RID}&apikey={apikey}

Serves JSON response of the Receipt data with the given ReceiptID Returns HTTP 204 No Content if no Receipt exists with the given RID.

Example Request: HTTP GET{apikey}

[POST] /api/Receipt&apikey={apikey}

Create a new Receipt with the next available RID and JSON request payload. Request payload must specify ALL attributes to create a new Receipt, returns HTTP 400 Bad Request otherwise.

Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly updated Receipt.

Example Request: HTTP POST{apikey}

	"TID": 1,
	"ImgURL": "hellothisisatest.png",
	"PurchaseDate": "2021-03-16",
	"Notes": "short note"

[POST] /api/Receipt/RID={RID}&apikey={apikey}

Create a new Receipt with the specified ReceiptID and JSON request payload. Request payload must specify ALL attributes to create a new Receipt, returns HTTP 400 Bad Request otherwise.

Returns HTTP 409 Conflict if a Receipt already exists with the given RID.

Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly created Receipt.

Example Request: HTTP POST{apikey}

	"TID": 1,
	"ImgURL": "hellothisisatest.png",
	"PurchaseDate": "2021-03-16",
	"Notes": "short note"

[DELETE] /api/Receipt/RID={TID}&apikey={apikey}

Delete a Receipt with the specified RID, has no effect if no Receipt exists with the given RID.

Example Request: HTTP DELETE{apikey}

[PUT] /api/Receipt/RID={RID}&apikey={apikey}

Update or create a new Receipt with the specified RID and data payload. Request payload must specify ALL attributes to create or update the Receipt.

Example Request: HTTP PUT{apikey}

	"TID": 1,
	"ImgURL": "hellothisisatest.png",
	"PurchaseDate": "2021-03-16",
	"Notes": "short note"

If a Receipt with the given RID does not exist, request will create one. Otherwise if a Receipt with the given RID already exists request will update it.

Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly created or updated Receipt.

[PATCH] /api/Receipt/RID={RID}&apikey={apikey}

Update an existing Receipt with the specified ReceiptID, request data payload does not need to specify all attributes. Any number of attributes can be specified and simultaneously updated for the Receipt.

Request returns HTTP 200 OK with a JSON containing all attributes of the newly updated Receipt.

Example Requests: HTTP PATCH{apikey}

	"ImgURL": "newimage.png"

PATCH request with this request body will update just the ImgURL parameter of the existing receipt.

	"ImgURL": "newimage.png",
	"Notes": "New updated note"

PATCH request with this request body will update both the ImgURL and Notes parameters of the existing receipt.


[GET] /api/account/user={user}/Transactions&apikey={apikey}

[GET] /api/account/accID={accID}/Transactions&apikey={apikey}

Serves JSON response of all the Transactions associated with the given UserAccount. Returns HTTP 204 No Content if no Transactions exists with the given UserAccount or no UserAccount exists with the given Username.

Example Requests: HTTP GET{apikey}

HTTP GET{apikey}

[GET] /api/account/user={user}/Transactions/Filter/ByCategory={category}&apikey={apikey}

[GET] /api/account/accID={accID}/Transactions/Filter/ByCategory={category}&apikey={apikey}

Serves JSON response of all the Transactions associated with the given UserAccount filtered down to only those that are labeled with the given category.

Transaction Categories:

  • Entertainment
  • Restaurants
  • Transportation
  • HomeAndUtilities
  • Education
  • Insurance
  • Health
  • Groceries
  • Deposits
  • Shopping
  • Uncategorized

Returns HTTP 204 No Content if no Transactions exists with the given UserAccount or no query results.

Example Requests: HTTP GET{apikey}

HTTP GET{apikey}

[GET] /api/account/user={user}/Transactions/Filter/ByTime/num={num}&periodCode={periodCode}&apikey={apikey}

[GET] /api/account/accID={accID}/Transactions/Filter/ByTime/num={num}&periodCode={periodCode}&apikey={apikey}

Serves JSON response of all the Transactions associated with the given UserAccount filtered down to only those within the last { num } { periodCode }.

Period Codes:

  • 0 : days
  • 1 : weeks
  • 2 : months
  • 3 : years

Example Requests:

HTTP GET{apikey}

Filter user's transactions to those made in the last 75 days.

HTTP GET{apikey}

Filter user's transactions to those made in the last 4 months.

[GET] /api/account/user={user}/Transactions/Sorted/ByCategory&apikey={apikey}

[GET] /api/account/accID={accID}/Transactions/Sorted/ByCategory&apikey={apikey}

Retrieve all transactions associated with the UserAccount, sorted by the TransactionCategory attribute.

Example Requests:

HTTP GET{apikey}

HTTP GET{apikey}


[GET] /api/account/accID={accID}/SavingsGoals&apikey={apikey}

Serves JSON response of all the SavingsGoals associated with the UserAccount with the given accID Returns HTTP 204 No Content if no SavingsGoals exists with the given UserAccount or no UserAccount exists with the given accID.

Example Request: HTTP GET{apikey}

[GET] /api/account/user={user}/SavingsGoals&apikey={apikey}

Serves JSON response of all the SavingsGoals associated with the UserAccount with the given Username Returns HTTP 204 No Content if no SavingsGoals exists with the given UserAccount or no UserAccount exists with the given Username.

Example Request: HTTP GET{apikey}


[GET] /api/account/user={user}/Receipts&apikey={apikey}

[GET] /api/account/accID={accID}/Receipts&apikey={apikey}

Serves JSON response of all the Receipts associated with the given UserAccount. Returns HTTP 204 No Content if no Receipts exists with the given UserAccount or no UserAccount exists with the given Username.

Example Requests: HTTP GET{apikey}

HTTP GET{apikey}


[GET] /api/account/user={user}/Subscriptions&apikey={apikey}

[GET] /api/account/accID={accID}/Subscriptions&apikey={apikey}

Serves JSON response of all the Subscriptions associated with the given UserAccount. Returns HTTP 204 No Content if no Subscriptions exists with the given UserAccount or no UserAccount exists with the given Username.

Example Requests: HTTP GET{apikey}

HTTP GET{apikey}

[GET] /api/account/accID={accID}/Subscriptions/count&apikey={apikey}

Serves JSON response of the number of Subscriptions associate with the given UserAccount. Returns HTTP 204 No Content if no Subscriptions exists with the given UserAccount or no UserAccount exists with the given Username.

Example Requests: HTTP GET{apikey}

Example Response:

	"SubCount" : 1