My ViM configuration.
Works on GNU/Linux and Mac OSX.
##Before you continue reading You'll need ViM 7.3 or higher.
##Installation In your home directory:
git clone
cd dotvim && ./
###Normal mode
- Ctrl + l => Clear search highlight
- Ctrl + t => Open new tab
- Ctrl + o => Open file in current directory
- Alt + left => Move across tabs, to the left
- Alt + right => Move across tabs, to the right
- F2 => Toggle line numbers
- F3 => Toggle paste mode
###Insert mode
- jj => Back to normal mode
- qq => Quit without saving (:q!)
- ww => Save and quit (:wq)
###Plugin related
- Shift + t => Show task list
- F4 => NERDTree
- F5 => Toggle taglist
- F6 => Toggle Gundo
- F7 => PEP8
- F11 => Toggle color and background
- ,cl => Comment lines (put comment symbol on the left)
- ,f => Ack search
- ,t => Open file (Command-T)
- Ack
- AutoClose
- Commant-T
- ColorToggle
- current-func-info
- fugitive
- Gist
- gundo
- NERDCommenter
- NERDTree
- Pathogen
- pep8
- powerline
- preview
- pydoc
- pyflakes
- pythoncomplete
- vim-ruby
- snipMate
- taglist
- tasklist
###Some considerations
- Leader is ,
- Font is Inconsolata 16
- Also works in GUI environments, all toolbars have been removed