ruby_parser is a ruby parser written in pure ruby. It outputs s-expressions which can be manipulated and converted back to ruby via the ruby2ruby gem.
- 1
Support for comments inside ERB
#345 opened by johansenja - 4
Argument Forwarding without Parenthesis
#339 opened by eric1234 - 9
- 2
Anonymous argument passing (Ruby-3.2 support)
#338 opened by agrobbin - 2
Release with 3.2 support
#334 opened by sebfie - 6
Cannot obtain super B of A
#335 opened by n1ec - 1
Anonymous block forwarding (Ruby-3.1 support)
#325 opened by ojab - 5
End line number not working correctly
#330 opened by lucianoruizmo - 1
Hash value ommission (Ruby-3.1 support)
#326 opened by ojab - 1
- 1
- 0
add license file to repository
#324 opened by Segaja - 2
- 11
Pattern matching / Ruby 2.7 support
#308 opened by dansteele - 11
parse error on value ".." (tDOT2) when it comes before a number in an infinite range
#309 opened by mashedkeyboard - 2
Parse error in method call caused by a line commented
#315 opened by mildred - 11
- 5
Ruby 3.0 "endless" methods are not parsed
#320 opened by mildred - 2
Parsing comments
#310 opened by jrperron88-zz - 5
- 2
RubyParser::V30 undefined
#319 opened by mepatterson - 2
Ruby 3.0 argument forwarding does not parse
#321 opened by mildred - 2
- 3
Various complicated syntax deviations
#344 opened by kddnewton - 2
Please document how to run tests
#337 opened by pravi - 4
masgn w/ multiple splats doesn't parse
#296 opened by zenspider - 5
Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT
#302 opened by nijikon - 3
- 5
Fails to parse dxstr with exctly one evstr when passed as sole argument to function
#303 opened by danini-the-panini - 5
- 1
- 1
ArgumentError on valid Ruby in ruby_parser 3.14.0
#300 opened by JacobEvelyn - 2
__LINE__ becomes wrong value after heredoc start
#291 opened by mvz - 3
Contents of removed begin..end gets wrong line number
#290 opened by mvz - 8
- 2
- 1
ActiveRecord scope extension parse error
#266 opened by ise-tang - 2
Could the latest master be released?
#268 opened by Jack12816 - 1
Ruby 2.6 support
#279 opened by DamirSvrtan - 1
Shadow arguments not parsed as local variables
#269 opened by akimd - 1
Should parse Interpolated Array of symbols literal
#271 opened by strviola - 1
Should treat double-splat arguments to blocks as lvars
#276 opened by mvz - 2
: parse error on value ":" (tCOLON)
#278 opened by sonalkr132 - 3
Rescue blocks don't need a begin statement in define_method since Ruby 2.5
#280 opened by DamirSvrtan - 1
Self-signed code signing certificate has expired
#259 opened by koenrh - 4
Parse Error on Ruby 2.5
#262 opened by marocchino - 3
ruby_parser's executable "ruby_parse" conflicts with ~/.rbenv/versions/2.4.3/bin/ruby_parse
#263 opened by UtamaruMonster - 3
Ruby 2.5 support
#257 opened by voxik - 10
Forced $DEBUG output after 3.10.0 to 3.10.1 upgrade
#258 opened by smlsml - 8
parse error on value ":" (tCOLON)
#256 opened by suryateja619