A Maze Starter Project

This project is part of Udacity's VR Developer Nanodegree.


  • Unity 2017.1.0p4
  • GVR Unity SDK v1.70.0

This Maze project is an interesting project which contains the technic and skills as following:

  • Attaching scripts to objects
  • Using the built-in Monobehaviour methods
  • Triggers and Gaze Based Interaction
  • Creating, moving and animating objects procedurally
  • Scripting Dynamic UI Objects
  • The Unity Event System.
  • Managing and Reloading scenes.
  • Controlling particle systems.
  • Create an Audio Clip and playing sounds.
  • Waypoint Navigation System.
  • Profiling scenes for performance.

You need to find the Key in the Maze to unlock the temple door to find the treasure chest.