
Primary LanguageJavaScript

CV development and deployment guideline

Dev on Mac OSX

1. pre-install packages

Install the postgresql client

$ brew install postgresql

Check the postgresql service is down:

$ brew services list 

Name           Status  User Plist  
postgresql     stopped

Install the node v10.x

$ brew install node 

Install the yarn

$ brew install yarn  

2. bootstrap

Go to the project-root-folder and run:

$ make bootstrap

This will setup the virtualenv and install all the python dependencies

then go the project-root-folder/static_src and run:

$ yarn
$ yarn dev 

3. database

$ make setup-db

this command will pull the postgres docker image and create a docker container, all the db data will store under ~/Desktop folder by default

$ make start-db

4. run the dev server and start your development

$ make run

Dev with Docker

Use the docker build && start service

$ docker-compose up [--build]

some useful docker commands

1. attach to one container to debug

$ docker container exec -it cv_web_1 bash

2. removed all the dangling images

$ docker rmi `docker images -q -f dangling=true`

Deploy with Kubernetes

database setup

1. Persistent volume with file type
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/db/persistent-volume-file.yaml

2. Deploy the postgresql database
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/db/deploy.yaml

deploy app and nginx

1. django application deployement
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/app/app-deploy.yaml

2. nginx deployment
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/app/nginx-deploy.yaml

3. service setup
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/app/service.yaml

monitor commands

$ kubectl get pod --watch  

$ kubectl get deployment --watch  

$ kubectl get service --watch  

$ kubectl logs deployement-instant-id -f


Use the coverage to check the code(testcase) coverage

$ make coverage ARGS='src'

$ make coverage-report-html  

Then you can find the generated coverage HTML version report under ROOT/htmlcov/

Dockerized Postgres db management

pull a postgres docker

$ docker pull postgres

start a postgres docker

$ docker run -i -t -p 5432:5432 postgres

attach a shell to the docker instance

$ docker exec -it inst-name /bin/bash

connect to the dock postgres via psql

$ psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres

DB operation

init database with all migrations applied

$ make setup-db

stop database (keep the data)

$ make stop-db

start database

$ make start-db

terminate the database

$ make destroy-db

create a super user

$ make createsuperuser


Install and manage the Node

Use nvm to manage the different node version

Install the long term support version node:

$ nvm install node --lts

Display all installed node version

$ nvm list  

Use the specfic version

$ nvm use v10.3.0

Install the required packages

$ yarn

Use the webpack to build the asset

$ yarn run build  

if you need the build automatically with the file changes

$ yarn run watch

A task is defined to run the build with the running server

$ yarn dev  

Production build

$ yarn prod-build  

work version: "vue-loader": "^14.2.2",

"extract-text-webpack-plugin": "^4.0.0-beta.0",