User session helpers for snapd
The program has a DBus remote control with the interface io.snapcraft.SnapDesktopIntegration, which offers the following methods:
ApplicationIsBeingRefreshed(identifier:s, control_file_path:s, extra_data:{s:v})
Shows a new refresh window for the program 'identifier'. If
'control_file_path' is empty, the window will be shown until it is
destroyed with ApplicationRefreshCompleted(), or by the user by
pressing the "Hide" button in the window. But if it points to
a file, the window will be destroyed when that file is deleted.
If there is already a window for that identifier, it will be moved
to foreground.
ApplicationRefreshCompleted(identifier:s, extra_data:{s:v})
Destroys the refresh window for the program specified in 'identifier'.
ApplicationRefreshPulsed(identifier:s, bar_text:s, extra_data:{s:v})
Sets the progress bar to "pulsed mode" for the program 'identifier', and
changes the text in the bar to 'bar_text'.
ApplicationRefreshPercentage(identifier:s, bar_text:s, percentage:d, extra_data:{s:v})
Sets the progress bar to "percentage mode" for the program 'identifier', and
changes the text in the bar to 'bar_text'. The value for the bar is the double
passed in 'percentage', and it must be a value between 0 and 1.
All the DBus calls accept a dictionary with extra parameters, called 'extra_data'. This dictionary is in the format 'string:variant' for the 'key:value' data. The available keys and its associated data are:
title: the value must be a string variant. It will update the window's title to the specified value.
message: the value must be a string variant. It will replace the message in the window (which, by default, is "Please wait while...") with the specified value.
icon: the value must be a string variant containing an icon name. It will show that icon to the right of the message. If the value is an empty string, the icon will be hide.
icon_image: the value must be a string variant with the path to a picture. It will show that picture to the right of the message. Be careful with the picture size.
D-feet can be used to call the methods. To pass the 'extra_data' field, it is required to specify the format in the dictionary.
Example for ApplicationIsBeingRefreshed:
Use "clang-format -i SOURCE_FILE_NAME" after any change to automatically format the code.