
Primary LanguageGo

ASAPP Chat Backend Challenge v1



This is a Go based boilerplate which runs an HTTP Server configured to answer the endpoints defined in the challenge you received. All endpoints are configured in cmd/server.go and if you go deeper to the handlers for each route, you will find a TODO comments where you are free to implement your solution.


They are located in the docs/index.html file


  • Go version >= 1.12.
  • Docker
  • SQLite3

How to run it

go run cmd/main.go

Or you can use the Makefile

make run

To run tests:

go test ./...

Build Docker image and run it

docker build -t challenge:latest .
docker run -dp 8080:8080 challenge:latest


kubectl apply -f ./k8s/deployment.yml

If you have installed something like Minikube or MicroK8s, you can run it locally

kubectl port-forward <pod-name> 8080:8080

SQLite Migrations

If you don't want to use the dockerized version, you must execute migrations first. You can do it by running:

make migrate

Database schema


Environment variables

If you want to run it locally and use a custom configuration, you can override it by generating a .env file based on the env.sample file.