
mpchc with madvr and svp guide

Setting Up mpc-hc with madVR and SVP


  1. Media Player Classic Homecinema (v1.7.13) 32 or 64 bit (either works)
  2. madVR (v0.92.12)
  3. SVP (
  4. ffdshow tryouts (1.3.4531)


  1. Install all of them, then start mpc-hc and set its output to madVR:

    mpc-hc video output

  2. Configure madVR:

    1. Play any file and find the madVR icon in the Notification Area. Right click on it and select Edit madVR Settings...

      madVR Notification Area

    2. chroma upscaling - Jinc with anti-ringing:

      Jinc chroma upscaling

    3. image downscaling - Jinc with anti-ringing:

      Jinc image downscaling

    4. image upscaling - Jinc (no filters)

      Jinc image upscaling

    5. rendering settings:

      queue sizes

      windowed settings

      smooth motion

  3. Configure ffdshow raw video filter in mpc-hc:

    ffdshow raw video filter

  4. Test that it works - open any video and notice the ffdshow and the madVR notification area icons

    notification area

  5. Just start SVP, should notice the SVP logo appear in mpc-hc:

    SVP logo working