
.Net library parsing color strings and converting them to .Net Color object. Library support almost all color notations using by CSS3 . Color notation support can be expandable with custom provider.

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.Net library parsing strings with notated colors and converting them to .Net Color object. Library support almost all color notations used in CSS3. Color notations are extendable and customizable.


DotNetColorParser NuGet Package

DotNetColorParser.Abstractions NuGet Package


Static methods

Many color notations

You can use static method witch converts string with any correct color notation supporting by default. e.g:

string stringWithColor = "rgba(255,0,128,0.5)";

var color = ColorParser.Parse(stringWithColor);

In that case method parse string using all notations added to ColorParser.DefaultProvider collection. This object by default contains all build in color notations.

Specify color notation only

If you wont to parser support only one specify notation then you can write:

string stringWithColor = "#ff008080";

var color = ColorParser.Parse<HexRGBANotation>(stringWithColor);

In that case if you pass string like "rgba(255,0,128,0.5)" method throw the UnkownColorNotationException.

Customizing and extending supported color notations

You can add custom color notation support by adding to ColorParser.DefaultProvider custom object implementing IColorNotation interface.

To customize supported by default color notations you can set to ColorParser.DefaultProvider new ColorNotationProvider class instance.

ColorParser.DefaultProvider = new ColorNotationProvider() { HexRGBANotation, RGBANotation, RGBNotation, CustomNotation };

Class instance

You can dynamically create new instance of ColorParser class and configure supporting notations by passing ColorNotationProvider object into constructor.

var colorParser = new ColorParser(new ColorNotationProvider() { HexRGBANotation, RGBANotation, RGBNotation });

string stringWithColor = "#ff008080";

var color = colorParser.ParseColor(stringWithColor);

If you pass null in ColorParser instead ColorNotationProvider object then ColorParser use ColorParser.DefaultProvider.

Inversion of Control (IoC)

You can use it also with IoC container:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<IColorNotationProvider>(()=> new ColorNotationProvider() { HexRGBANotation, RGBANotation, RGBNotation });
    services.AddSingleton<IColorParser, ColorParser>();
public class SomeClass
    readonly IColorParser colorParser;
    string stringWithColor = "#ff008080";

    public SomeClass(IColorParser colorParser) 
        this.colorParser = colorParser;

    public Color ReadColor()
        return colorParser.ParseColor(_stringWithColor);

Supported color spaces:

  • RGB
  • RGBA
  • HSL
  • HSLA
  • HSV

Supported notations:

All this notations are default added to ColorNotationProvider.

Class name Description Syntax e.g.

1. KnownColorNameNotation


Color names in English containing by KnownColor enumerable object. It's contains all color names using by browsers. Colors are in RGB color space. Every color corresponding specify RBG value.




  • silver
  • blue
  • black
  • green
  • yellow
  • darkblue

2. HexRGBANotation


RGB or RGBA color expressed through hexadecimal value with # prefix (prefix not necessary to correct recognition). Color can be expressed as three, six or eight hexadecimal characters (0–9, A–F).


  1. #RRGGBB[AA]
  2. #RGB[A]


  • #abc
  • #20ee33
  • #ff1250cc

3. RGBNotation


RGB color


  1. rgb(R, G, B)
  2. rgb R G B


  • rgb(255,255,0)
  • rgb( 255, 255, 255 )

4. RGBANotation


The same as RGBNotation but with additional alpha channel.


  1. rgba(R, G, B, A)
  2. rgba R G B A
  3. rgba R G B / A
  4. rgba(R G B / A)


  • rgba(255,255,0,0.5)
  • rgba( 255, 255, 255, 100% )

5. HSLNotation


HSLA color space


  1. hsl(hue, spectrum, lightness)
  2. hsl hue, spectrum, lightness
  3. hsla(hue spectrum lightness)


  • hsla(180,50%,50%,0.5)
  • hsla(180,50%,50%,30%)
  • hsla(180deg,50%,50%,30%)
  • hsla(4rad,50%,50%,30%)
  • hsla(4ang,50%,50%,30%)
  • hsla 180,50%,50%,0.5
  • hsla 180 50% 50% 0.5
  • hsla 180 50% 50% / 0.5

6. HSLANotation


The same as HSLNotation but with additional alpha channel.


  1. hsla(hue, spectrum, lightness, alpha)
  2. hsla hue, spectrum, lightness / alpha
  3. hsla hue spectrum lightness alpha
  4. hsla(hue spectrum lightness alpha)


  • hsla(180,50%,50%,0.5)
  • hsla(180,50%,50%,30%)
  • hsla(180deg,50%,50%,30%)
  • hsla(4rad,50%,50%,30%)
  • hsla(4ang,50%,50%,30%)
  • hsla 180,50%,50%,0.5
  • hsla 180 50% 50% 0.5
  • hsla 180 50% 50% / 0.5

7. HSVNotation


HSVA color space


  1. hsla(hue, spectrum, lightness, alpha)
  2. hsla hue, spectrum, lightness / alpha
  3. hsla hue spectrum lightness alpha
  4. hsla(hue spectrum lightness alpha)


  • hsla(180,50%,50%,0.5)
  • hsla(180,50%,50%,30%)
  • hsla(180deg,50%,50%,30%)
  • hsla(4rad,50%,50%,30%)
  • hsla(4ang,50%,50%,30%)
  • hsla 180,50%,50%,0.5
  • hsla 180 50% 50% 0.5
  • hsla 180 50% 50% / 0.5

R (red), G (green), B (blue) - number between 0 and 255.

A - decimal number between 0 and 1 or percentage value between 0% and 100%

hue - value between 0 and 360 degrees [deg], value can be also specify in other angels units like radius [rad], gradus [grad], turns [turn].

saturation, lightness, alpha - percentage value between 0% and 100% or decimal number between 0 and 1.