
Integrate MercadoPago in your iOS apps

Primary LanguageObjective-C

MercadoPago iOS SDK

The MercadoPago iOS SDK make it easy to collect your users' credit card details inside your iOS app. By creating tokens, MercadoPago handles the bulk of PCI compliance by preventing sensitive card data from hitting your server.

It is developed for iOS 7 or sooner.

Quick links: processing payments with Credit Card.


There are two ways to add MercadoPago to your project:

Copy manually

  1. Clone this repository ('git clone --recursive')
  2. Open your project in xcode. In the menubar, click on 'File' then 'Add files to "Project"...'
  3. Select the 'MercadoPagoMobileSDK' directory in your cloned mercadopago-ios repository
  4. Make sure "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)" is checked
  5. Click "Add"


Coming soon.

Example app

Coming soon. We are building it. See the 'example' folder under your own risk =)


First, you need a publishable key to collect a token. Send an e-mail to developers@mercadopago.com with your user and your test users e-mails in order to request the 'public_key' which will identify you when submitting credit card data to our system.

Once you have it:

[MercadoPago setPublishableKey:@"your_publishable_key"];

Tip: You can do this in your 'AppDelegate' in 'application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions' method.

Processing payments with Credit Card

Argentina, Venezuela & Brasil (no installments)

  • After showing your view, create and populate a 'MPCard' with the details you collected.

      MPCard *card = [[MPCard alloc] init];
      card.cardNumber = @"4509953566233704";
      card.expirationMonth = [NSNumber numberWithInt:12];
      card.expirationYear = [NSNumber numberWithInt:2020];
      card.securityCode = @"123";
      card.cardholderName = @"APRO Test user";
      card.cardholderIDType = @"DNI"; //Depends on the country. See MPUtils.h for possible values
      //card.cardholderIDSubType = @"J"; //Only for Venezuela. See MPUtils for possible values
      card.cardholderIDNumber = @"12345678";
  • Then send it to MercadoPago.

       [MercadoPago createTokenWithCard:card
      	                    onSuccess:^(MPCardToken *tokenResponse){
      	                        //send tokenId, your customer email and whatever information needed to your server
      							//to charge your customer
      	                    onFailure:^(NSError *error){
      	                        //Handle error, see MPError.h

México (no installments)

  • After showing your view, create and populate a 'MPCard' with the details you collected.

      MPCard *card = [[MPCard alloc] init];
      card.cardNumber = @"4357606415021810";
      card.expirationMonth = [NSNumber numberWithInt:12];
      card.expirationYear = [NSNumber numberWithInt:2020];
      card.securityCode = @"123";
      card.cardholderName = @"APRO Test user";
  • Get 'payment_method_id' and 'issuer_id' from MercadoPago. You will later need this info to charge your customer from your server.

      [card fillPaymentMethodsExecutingOnSuccess:^(NSArray *paymentMethods){
      			//API could return more than one payment methods when the bin is unknown.
      			//Just keeping the credit_card method for this example.
      			for(MPPaymentMethod *p in paymentMethods) {
      				if([p.paymentTypeId isEqualsToString: @"credit_card"]){
      					//save p.paymentMethodId and p.issuer.issuerId
      					//later you will have to send them together with the token to your server
              onFailure:^(NSError *error){
                  //Handle error
      			//¿Ask again for the card number?
  • Then send it to MercadoPago.

       [MercadoPago createTokenWithCard:card
      	                    onSuccess:^(MPCardToken *tokenResponse){
      	                        //send tokenId, paymentMethodId, issuerId, your customer email 
      							//and whatever information needed to your server to charge your customer
      	                    onFailure:^(NSError *error){
      	                        //Handle error, see MPError.h

Installments: Argentina, Venezuela & Brasil

  • After showing your view, create and populate a 'MPCard' with the details you collected.

      MPCard *card = [[MPCard alloc] init];
      card.cardNumber = @"4509953566233704";
      card.expirationMonth = [NSNumber numberWithInt:12];
      card.expirationYear = [NSNumber numberWithInt:2020];
      card.securityCode = @"123";
      card.cardholderName = @"APRO Test user";
      card.cardholderIDType = @"DNI"; //Depends on the country. See MPUtils.h for possible values
      //card.cardholderIDSubType = @"J"; //Only for Venezuela. See MPUtils for possible values
      card.cardholderIDNumber = @"12345678";
  • Retrieve payment method information from MercadoPago. You will get possible installments and the rate per installment.

      [card fillPaymentMethodsExecutingOnSuccess:^(NSArray *paymentMethods){
      			//For these countries, the API will return just one payment method inside the array.
      			MPPaymentMethod *p = paymentMethods[0];
      			[self showInstallmentsForPaymentMethod: p.payerCosts andAmount: ##replace with your amount##];
              onFailure:^(NSError *error){
                  //Handle error
      			//¿Ask again for the card number?
      - (void) showInstallmentsForPayerCosts: (NSArray *) costs andAmount: (NSDecimalNumber) amount {
      	//show installments in your view (for example in a picker view)
      	for (MPPayerCost *cost in costs){
      		NSNumber *installments = cost.installments; //qty of installments
      		NSDecimalNumber *installmentAmount = [cost installmentAmountForAmount:amount];
      		NSDecimalNumber *totalAmountToPay = [cost totalAmountForAmount:amount];
      		//update your view with this info.
      		//Save your customer installment selection to later send it to your server.
  • Then send it to MercadoPago.

       [MercadoPago createTokenWithCard:card
      	                    onSuccess:^(MPCardToken *tokenResponse){
      	                        //send tokenId, your customer email, installments selected
      							//and whatever information needed to your server
      							//to charge your customer
      	                    onFailure:^(NSError *error){
      	                        //Handle error, see MPError.h
  • NOTE: if you are collecting payments in Argentina with Mastercard, then you need to read this link (coming soon).

Installments: México

  • After showing your view, create and populate a 'MPCard' with the details you collected.

      MPCard *card = [[MPCard alloc] init];
      card.cardNumber = @"4509953566233704";
      card.expirationMonth = [NSNumber numberWithInt:12];
      card.expirationYear = [NSNumber numberWithInt:2020];
      card.securityCode = @"123";
      card.cardholderName = @"APRO Test user";
  • Retrieve payment method information from MercadoPago. You will get possible installments and the rate per installment.

      [card fillPaymentMethodsExecutingOnSuccess:^(NSArray *paymentMethods){
      				API could return more than one payment methods when we don't know if the bin 
      				is from a credit card or debit card.
      				Just keeping the credit_card method for this example.
      			for(MPPaymentMethod *p in paymentMethods) {
      				if([p.paymentTypeId isEqualsToString: @"credit_card"]){
      					if ([p.exceptionsByCardIssuer count] > 0){
      							If our API doesn't know exactly the issuer of the card, it will return
      							the default payer costs in p.payerCosts (just one installment) 
      							and other issuers options in p.exceptionsByCardIssuer.
      							You will have to ask your customer which is the issuer of his card.
      							For example, if he chooses the first issuer of the list:	
      						NSString *paymentMethodId = p.paymentMethodId; //you will later need this in your server
      						NSNumber *issuerId = p.exceptionsByCardIssuer[0].issuer.issuerId; //you will later need this in your server
      						NSArray *payerCosts = p.exceptionsByCardIssuer[0].payerCosts;
      						[self showInstallmentsForPayerCosts: payerCosts andAmount: ##replace with your amount##];
      						NSString *paymentMethodId = p.paymentMethodId; //you will later need this in your server
      						NSNumber *issuerId = p.issuer.issuerId; //you will later need this in your server
      						[self showInstallmentsForPayerCosts: p.payerCosts andAmount: ##replace with your amount##];
              onFailure:^(NSError *error){
                  //Handle error
      			//¿Ask again for the card number?
      - (void) showInstallmentsForPayerCosts: (NSArray *) costs andAmount: (NSDecimalNumber) amount {
      	//show installments in your view (for example in a picker view)
      	for (MPPayerCost *cost in costs){
      		NSNumber *installments = cost.installments; //qty of installments
      		NSDecimalNumber *installmentAmount = [cost installmentAmountForAmount:amount];
      		NSDecimalNumber *totalAmountToPay = [cost totalAmountForAmount:amount];
      		//update your view with this info.
      		//Save your customer installment selection to later send it to your server.
  • Then send it to MercadoPago.

       [MercadoPago createTokenWithCard:card
      	                    onSuccess:^(MPCardToken *tokenResponse){
      	                        //send tokenId, your customer email, installments selected, paymentMethodId, issuerId,
      							//and whatever information needed to your server
      							//to charge your customer
      	                    onFailure:^(NSError *error){
      	                        //Handle error, see MPError.h

Processing payments with Debit Card

Coming soon (only in México)

Using tokens

Once you've collected a token, you can send the tokenId to your server to charge immediately your customer.

From your server:

curl -X POST \
	 -H 'accept: application/json' \
	 -H 'content-type: application/json' \
	 https://api.mercadolibre.com/checkout/custom/create_payment?access_token=your_access_token \
	 -d '{
      "amount": 10,
      "reason": "Item Title",
      "installments": 1,
      "card_token_id": "tokenId",
      "payer_email": "payer@email.com",
      "external_reference": "1234_your_reference"
	  "payment_method_id" : "visa",                   //Just for México
	  "card_issuer_id":166                            //Just for México

Handling errors

See MPError.h


You have a few options for handling validation of credit card data on the client, depending on what your application does. Client-side validation of credit card data is not required since our API will correctly reject invalid card information, but can be useful to validate information as soon as a user enters it, or simply to save a network request.

The simplest thing you can do is to populate your 'MPCard' object and, before sending the request, call '- (BOOL)validateCardReturningError:' on the card. This validates the entire card object, but is not useful for validating card properties one at a time.

To validate 'MPCard' properties individually, you should use the following:

 - (BOOL)validateCardNumber:error:
 - (BOOL)validateSecurityCode:error:
 - (BOOL)validateExpirationMonth:error:
 - (BOOL)validateExpirationYear:error:
 - (BOOL)validateCardholderIDType:error:
 - (BOOL)validateCardholderIDSubType:error:

These methods follow the validation method convention used by key-value validation. So, you can use these methods by invoking them directly, or by calling '[card validateValue:forKey:error]' for a property on the 'MPCard' object.

When using these validation methods, you will want to set the property on your card object when a property does validate before validating the next property. This allows the methods to use existing properties on the card correctly to validate a new property. For example, validating '5' for the 'expirationMonth' property will return YES if no 'expirationYear' is set. But if 'expirationYear' is set and you try to set 'expirationMonth' to 5 and the combination of 'expirationMonth' and 'expirationYear' is in the past, '5' will not validate. The order in which you call the validate methods does not matter for this though.

  • Hint: When you have at least 6 digits inside MPCard object, you can retrieve payment method info from our API. Doing this you will feed the validators with extra data, so validations will be more accurate.

      [card fillPaymentMethods];
      [card fillPaymentMethodsExecutingOnSuccess:^(NSArray *paymentMethods){
      											} onFailure:^(NSError *error){