
A JavaScript implementation of QFS compression and decompression

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This library provides a JS implementation of the QFS compression algorithm. This algorithm is based on LZ77 and is commonly found in files used by EA games.

It is basically a port of an original C implementation made by @wouanagaine. More information on it can be found on the SC4 devotion wiki.


npm install qfs-compression


The module exports two functions: compress() and decompress(). Both accept either a Node.js Buffer or a Uint8Array.

import { compress, decompress } from 'qfs-compression';

let input = Buffer.from([...]);
let input = new Uint8Array([...]);

let compressed = compress(input);
let original = decompress(compressed);

Input-output matching

It is important to understand that the type of the output buffer depends on the type of the input buffer. In short, if a Node.js buffer was passed, a Node.js buffer is returned, otherwise a bare Uint8Array is returned. This is useful for example in the browser as it does not require a Buffer polyfill this way.

Technically speaking however, if the input object's constructor exposes an .allocUnsafe(size) method - such as Node.js buffers - this method is used for setting up the output object as this is the fastest. If no .allocUnsafe() is found, then the output object is created using new input.constructor[Symbol.species](size), so it should work for custom classes that override Uint8Array too:

class MyBuffer extends Uint8Array {}
let output = decompress(new MyBuffer(1024));
// output instanceof MyBuffer === true


compress(input[, options])

  • input <Buffer> | <Uint8Array> An uncompressed buffer of binary data that needs compression.
  • options <Object>:
    • windowBits: The amount of bits used for the sliding window. Defaults to 17, which means a sliding window of 128 kB.
    • includeSize: Prefix the compressed output with its size as an Uint32LE. Defaults to false.


  • input <Buffer> | <Uint8Array> A buffer with binary data that was previously compressed using QFS compression.


  • The limit of data that can be compressed is 16MB. This is because the uncompressed size is stored in the header using 3 bytes, which means a maximum size of 0xffffff bytes can be properly written away in the header.

  • In some games (for example SimCity 4), a compressed buffer is prefixed by 4 bytes containing the size of the entire buffer. The library does not detect this automatically, so if you are dealing with such games, you need to manually truncate the bytes as



Obviously a pure C implementation is faster than a JS implementation. However, v8 is able to produce really good optimized code for the library, so if the compression function gets hot, it will match the performance of a C implementation, and may even be faster than linking a C implementation using native Node addons.