
Metadata channel for sc4pac that automatically handles the latest STEX uploads

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simtropolis sc4pac channel

This repository contains the code for the sc4pac metadata channel that automatically handles uploads to the STEX. Highly experimental state. Add https://sebamarynissen.github.io/simtropolis-channel to your sc4pac channels to use it. See also memo33/sc4pac#49 for the initial idea and discussion.

Currently, the STEX is polled for new content once every hour, meaning if your plugin is compatible and has valid metadata (see below), it should appear within the hour on the channel.


  • Minimize the amount of work needed by the admins of Simtropolis.
  • Automate the generation of yaml metadata as much as possible with as minimal friction as possible for content creators.
  • Backfill the channel with as much existing content from the STEX as feasible. The complete collection of the following creators will be backfilled. Note that the complete collection of certain other creators (such as Aaron Graham & Diego Del-Lano) is already available on the default channel.


  • Implement a proof of concept
  • Use the STEX api instead of html scraping
  • Automatically keep track of when the Simtropolis api was last called and only request new files after that date (#21)
  • Support custom metadata as part of the package (by means of a metadata.yaml file in one of the uploads)
  • Handle various Simtropolis error scenarios (down for maintenance, 520, ...) (#35)
  • Setup an action that creates a PR instead of pushing to main
  • Make the metadata generation robust & fool proof
    • Ensure incorrect metadata cannot be deployed
    • Ensure creators cannot publish packages under a separate name, unless explicitly allowed in the permissions.yaml file. That way someone from a team can upload under the team name, but only if explicitly allowed.
    • Automatically generate DLL checksums (see #37 for the discussion about this feature)
  • Handle non-zip archives. We'll probably just ignore those for now and require a package to be a .zip folder if it wants to be compatible.
  • Move the PR generating action to a separate repo to make it reusable for other exchanges
  • Move repository ownership to a Simtropolis member/organization on GitHub
  • Make the channel available under a simtropolis.com url, e.g. https://sc4pac.simtropolis.com
  • Setup an action that sends a DM on Simtropolis when the linting of a package metadata fails (to verify with ST admins, but should probably be possible by sendin a POST to the correct endpoint).
  • Setup an action that automatically creates a GitHub release the first of every month with an overview of all packages that have been added the last month. The releases can have the format YYYY.mm as version tags.

How to make your plugins compatible

By default, a plugin added to the STEX will not be added to this channel. Your plugin needs to be compatible. In order to do this, you have to add a metadata.yaml file at the root of one of the .zip folders you are about to upload to the STEX. You don't have to add this to every .zip folder, the channel will pick up the first metadata.yaml file it finds in the uploaded assets.

If your plugin has no dependencies and no specific installation needs, you can leave the metadata.yaml file empty (see below), but it is mandatory to have it, otherwise it will not be added to the channel.

In order for a package to be installable with sc4pac, metadata about it must be written. You can learn more about this in the official sc4pac documentation. However, in order to appear on the Simtropolis channel, it is not required to write the full metadata, as most of the metadata can be generated automatically from the STEX information.

For example, consider Magasin Valois by Jasoncw


which would be by default be transformed into

group: jasoncw
name: magasin-valois
version: "1.0.0"
subfolder: 300-commercial
  summary: Magasin Valois
  description: |-
    Magasin Valois, the brand only the most fashionable high wealth sims wear.

    It is a corner lot for the Euro tileset.

    - 1x2 growable and ploppable CS§§§ lot.
    - MaxisNite and DarkNite versions included.
    - DarkNite requires the [Day and Nite Modd](https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/23089-simfox-day-and-nite-modd/)
    - Requires [mipro Essentials - December 2015](https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/29130-mipro-essentials/) or newer.
  author: Jasoncw
  website: https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/36465-magasin-valois/
    - https://www.simtropolis.com/objects/screens/monthly_2024_09/66f4a2f03413f_MagasinValois00.jpg.e77d15efa6ab68a2660313ca1c00a1a4.jpg
    - https://www.simtropolis.com/objects/screens/monthly_2024_09/66f4a2fbcfeb2_MagasinValois01.jpg.8450c652a322d9263f5825a66bc2d5a8.jpg
  - variant: { nightmode: standard }
      - assetId: jasoncw-magasin-valois-maxisnite
  - variant: { nightmode: dark }
    dependencies: [ "simfox:day-and-nite-mod" ]
      - assetId: jasoncw-magasin-valois-darknite

assetId: jasoncw-magasin-valois-maxisnite
version: "1.0.0"
lastModified: "2024-09-25T23:56:22Z"
url: https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/36465-magasin-valois/?do=download&r=203589

assetId: jasoncw-magasin-valois-darknite
version: "1.0.0"
lastModified: "2024-09-25T23:56:22Z"
url: https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/36465-magasin-valois/?do=download&r=203590

This is why you can leave the metadata.yaml file in your .zip empty: if the generated metadata from the STEX upload is sufficient for your package, you don't have to write any metadata yourself! Everything is handled automatically.

However, note that the upload above specifies Mipro Essentials - December 2015 as a dependency. Dependencies are not parsed automatically from the STEX upload, so metadata.yaml for the upload above should look like

  - mipro:essentials

in order to be fully compatible. Also note that Maxisnite and Darknite variants can be handled automatically (see below).

If your plugin has other specific installation needs for which you need to be able to customize the metadata, it should also be done within metadata.yaml. The channel will use anything it finds in here, and fill in the gaps based on the STEX upload. For example, if you want to upload a package under a different group name - for example because you're part of the NYBT team - and it needs the nybt:essentials as a dependency, then this can be done by adding

group: nybt
  - nybt:essentials

to the metadata.yaml file. That's all there is to it! The channel will automatically fill in the rest of the gaps, such as the package name, summary, description, assets, ...

Note that you can only override packages in your metadata.yaml file. Assets are handled automatically: every folder you upload to the STEX gets added as an asset to the metadata.

If your plugin has very specific needs - for example because it provides a maxisnite and darknite variant in the same .zip folder - then you can reference your assets in the metadata.yaml as follows:

  - assetId: ${{ assets.0.assetId }}
      - .SC4Model$

  - variant: { nightmode: standard }
      - assetId: ${{ assets.0.assetId }}
          - maxisnite.SC4Model$
  - variant: { nightmode: dark }
    dependencies: [ "simfox:day-and-nite-mod" ]
      - assetId: ${{ assets.0.assetId }}
          - darknite.SC4Model$

Note that there is actually a better approach for providing support for both maxisnite and darknite by uploading two .zips (see below).

This interpolation technique does not only work for the assets. You can actually reference any of the automatically generated metadata like that. For example,

  description: |-
    This is a description for ${{ package.group }}:${{ package.name }} that overrides the STEX description.
    This package is called ${{ package.info.summary }} on the STEX and has the following assets:
    -  ${{ assets.0.url }}
    -  ${{ assets.1.url }}

Supporting variants

Variants are extremely common for plugins. The best known variant is Maxisnite vs. Darknite, but plugins can sometimes also offer a RHD and LHD variant.

Because this is so common, it can be cumbersome to write the variant metadata all the time. However, if you upload a plugin to the STEX and have it adhere to a few rules, then this can be handled automatically. For example, if your plugin both has a Maxisnite and Darknite variant, then all you have to do is follow a naming convention when uploading them to the STEX:

  • Name of your plugin (MN).zip
  • Name of your plugin (DN).zip


  • Name of your plugin (maxisnite).zip
  • Name of your plugin (darknite).zip

will also work. The channel then automatically detects that these are maxisnite and darknite variants of your plugin, and it will generate the following metadata:

group: author
name: stex-title

  - variant: { nightmode: standard }
      - assetId: author-stex-title-maxisnite
  - variant: { nightmode: dark }
    dependencies: [ "simfox:day-and-nite-mod" ]
      - assetId: author-stex-title-darknite

assetId: author-stex-title-maxisnite
url: https://community.simtropolis.com/...
version: 1.0.0
lastModified: ...

assetId: author-stex-title-darknitenite
url: https://community.simtropolis.com/...
version: 1.0.0
lastModified: ...

However, if further customization is needed, you will need to write the variant metadata yourself in metadata.yaml.


Most of the time, you don't want your plugin to end up in the root of a user's plugins folder unless your plugin is a DLL. Sc4pac allows you to specify what subfolder a plugin will end up in. While it is strongly recommended to explicitly specify the subfolder you want your plugin to end up in - which can be done by specifying a metadata.yaml file

subfolder: 660-parks

it is still possible to leave this out and have the channel decide the subfolder for you based on the File Descriptor of the STEX upload.


Mapping the file descriptor to a subfolder happens according to the following table. Note that a descriptor is always normalized first before checking it against the table, meaning that it is lowercased, and spaces become hyphens.

dependency: 100-props-textures
residential: 200-residential
commercial: 300-commercial
industrial: 400-industrial
agricultural: 410-agriculture
utilities-water: 500-utilities
utilities-power: 500-utilities
utilities-garbage: 500-utilities
services-police: 610-safety
services-fire: 610-safety
services-education: 620-education
services-medical: 630-health
civics-landmarks: 360-landmark
civics-rewards: 360-landmark
civics-parks: 660-parks
civics: 600-civics
services: 600-civics
automata: 710-automata
transport: 700-transit
mmp(s): 180-flora
mod: 150-mods
misc: 150-mods

If a file has multiple descriptors - for example both Mod and Residential, then the result will be 200-residential because it has a higher priority in the map.

It also takes into account that descriptors might have longer names. For example, Residential - Re-lot does not exist in the table, but if this is the file descriptor, this is reduced to Residential automatically. Some examples:

  • Civics, Civics - Parks and Recreation660-parks
  • Civics, Civics - A very specific category of civics600-civics
  • Residential Re-lot200-residential
  • Mod, Utilities - Water500-utilities

As there isn't a clear one-on-one relation from Simtropolis file descriptors to sc4pac subfolders, it is strongly recommended to always provide the subfolder manually in your metadata.yaml file. This is especially important if your plugin has specific needs, such as needing to be loaded after certain other plugins, meaning it should end up in 900-overrides.

Invalid metadata

If you have added an invalid metadata.yaml file - which also includes referencing non-existent dependencies or assets - then your package will not be added to the channel. Instead, a pull request will be created with the package name you were trying to update, which will contain information about what was wrong with the package. Hence it is always a good idea after uploading a plugin to check the pull requests to see if your package was added successfully.

While currently not yet implemented, the idea is to send a notification on Simtropolis if your package could not be added in the future.