
Auth plugin for Mosquitto MQTT broker which checks password against MD5 hash in Posrgres DB

Primary LanguageC


Auth plugin for Mosquitto MQTT broker which checks password against MD5 hash in Postrgres DB

----- WARNING ----- The contained code is by no means ready for a productive system. Actually it is a result of a ersonal experiment and my first C-code at all, so take it with a (enormous) grain of salt. ----- WARNING -----

The goal of the plugin is to check the user credentials against the MD5 hash of the password, which is stored in a Postgres database. Additionally, the plugin distinguishs between a connecting "server" and clients, where the clients are limited to read from the topic "//warning" and to write to the topic "//status". The server can read from "/#/status" (# as wildcard). Currently the server can write to all topics, this needs to be limited to "/#/warning" in a future update.

The code is based on / inspired by: https://bitbucket.org/oojah/mosquitto/src/551faaef7bce25d9a347f28e3dbea57445593e90/examples/mysql_log/mysql_log.c https://github.com/sskaje/mosquitto_auth_plugin_md5